I Just Wanna Be. Appreciated

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Brant's POV

Once Dex had miraculously disappeared into thin air, I hastily ripped my arm back from reaching for him. I had just survived possible death, I really didn't want another near-death experience on my hands - even though it gave me major bragging rights.

I'm turning into the Moonlark.

Anyways, I turned to Edaline and cleared my throat. At this point, I was just glad there was still someone left to preach my flawless idea to. I gave a whole speech, and for what? For that kid to just summarize the most tactless points I made - which were really just for adding extra intelligence to my words - and disappear?

Do these kids even learn manners nowadays?

"So, with no other distractions-."

"Actually, there is something I think we should discuss now that Dex's gone," Edaline spoke up, sounding nervous. But, my left eye twitched and my fingers curled into slight fists at the further interruption.

I just wanna be. Appreciated.

"Go on," I prompted with a tight smile, gesturing for her to elaborate with a simple wave of my arm. If they want to lose this fight, then by all means go ahead and interrupt me every time I try to help.

"It's about Jolie," she stressed, making my train of thought halt for a moment and my gaze turn more solemn. If I'd known that was what this was about, I would've shut up the moment Dex leapt away. "She actually was in that container, Brant. But, she begged me to let her leave and do something on her own. Jolie left to gather some things that would stop the Neverseen."

My eyes immediately widened. If she was doing what I thought she was doing, we were all screwed and my plan needed to be executed right away.

"Listen up, Edaline," I started, marching up to her and grabbing her shoulders with determination and a solid grip. "No more withholding information. Right now, we can't worry about whatever grave Jolie dug herself, because, no matter what we do to intervene, it's all going to blow up in our faces anyways. Believe me, I know what they're planning.

"For now, we need to carry out with my plan as soon as possible. The Summit is only weeks or so away, and we need all our preparations in order. If this fails . . . we're doomed, whether the Moonlark discovers how to prevent the end of the world, Jolie is able to steal the items away from the Neverseen, the Empath and twin realize their roles in this, or not."

Now, reflecting back on my own words, I noted how utterly exaggerated they were. Sure, the Empath and the Moonlark Control were important parts in summoning the Void, but not as crucial as the Moonlark. The Neverseen had been observing all factors for as long as the information had been presented to them.

Especially that Sencen boy, with the experiments Gisela put him through and whatnot.

See, the Void couldn't just be summoned and expected to play its part. The Moonlark wouldn't even be able to hold the Void in our world without something to balance out its presence here, hence the need for a Moonlark Control.

When the gods aided in the creation of the Moonlark and the Moonlark Control, they didn't do a great job of fact-checking their allies and helpers. They didn't even notice that some of the gods themselves had caught wind of the project from corrupted helpers and sought to add their own benefits into the two embryos, hence the explanation for the Moonlark's "unexpected" powers to control the Void.

They didn't even question the sudden appearance of a scroll that had indeed been present for years before the Moonlark Project even became an idea, waiting for the future to play out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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