Say It

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Sophie's POV

"Say it."


"No!" Fintan screamed, reaching out to latch onto my forearm. A searing heat raced up my arm, making me bite back a bloodcurdling scream. "Say where the scroll is."

"Where . . . the . . . scroll . . . is," I snapped back through gritted teeth.

He let out a breath of frustration, releasing his death grip on my arm. I sucked in a huge breath of air, partly in relief, but also because the cold air hit my tender skin.

"You walked right into that one," I laughed hysterically, trying to break my arms out of the chains and cuffs that held me down to the table. They seemed to be ability-restricting because none of my skills or powers worked when I tried them.

"That's it," Fintan bit out, turning around and storming to the door. Once the door was opened, he peaked his head out into the hallway and yelled, "Throw her in the maze!"

The maze? What is this, the dam Mazerunner?

Just moments later, Brant emerged from the hallway, walking past where Fintan was banging his head against the door.

Brant made his way to my lovely table and started fooling around with something underneath the table, all as I watched with wide eyes. His hand came back up with a key, one that undoubtedly freed me from my restraints.

It was under the table the whole time. How rude.

He marched right next to where my head was on the table, leaning down next to my ear while fiddling with the matches around my upper arms. "Stop trying to resist. You'll only get yourself more hurt."

I was confused at how much of a threat that didn't sound like, as well as the fact that he whispered it so quietly that Fintan didn't seem to notice his words. I blinked up at Brant, who was fully focused on unlocking my restraints, and wondered if I was hallucinating.

Probably noticing my bewildered stare, his head turned slightly toward me with a small smirk.

I blinked again.

It wasn't that evil or insane smirk he always wore. This one was full of genuine amusement, almost like how one looks at an annoying and silly little sister.

It reminded me of Percy.

In the midst of my thoughts, I realized that I was free of all of the cuffs, chains, and locks. Trying to use all of my strength, I sent out a wave of pain that could surely knock out the others in this room as well as those out in the nearest hallway. I let out a small scream of pain as my body almost collapsed under all of the energy use.

Fintan and Brant crumpled to the floor as I shot off the table, wasting no time in my escape. I bolted outside, noticing that everyone in the hallway was passed out as well. I used the wall to support my charred and battered self, dragging myself down the corridor but still trying to keep quiet.

I reached the end of the hallway and opened a steel door, one that had no window or peephole that I could use to find out what was on the other side. Hesitantly, I grabbed ahold of the handle and yanked it open.

No one was on the other side. I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding in.

I swiftly crossed the small, all-gray room, not paying attention to much of what was inside. It was pretty bland, just some chairs surrounding a small table, a mini kitchen, and a reclining chair tucked away in one corner. The room itself was small, not much bigger than a human kid's bedroom would be.

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