Blue Men Of The Minch

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Tam's POV

I slept well into the afternoon, exhausted from the strenuous work of dealing with the adults the day prior.

Barely even acknowledge the death of such a long period of time, I pushed my languid body out of bed. Not bothering to change out of my all black sleepwear, I simply opened the door to my bedroom and stepped out into the quiet hall.

It was alarmingly silent in the hideout, but I wasn't complaining.

I trudged all the way to the common area, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

The big round table of the commons had an empty plate in each seating place except for three, Sophie's, Dex's, and my places. The plates were empty save for a few crumbs and scraps, just sitting there and begging for the gnomes to come clean up.

My friends really were disgusting, uncultured swines. They could've at least taken their dirty dishes to the kitchen!

Shaking my head disapprovingly to myself, I crossed the room and settled back into the armchair. As I sunk into the comfort, I felt myself relaxing once again. There were no jobs, missions, or favors for me today. Besides, everyone had . . . left.

All too suddenly, the comforting silence was broken as the front door slammed open and an uncharacteristically high-pitched voice squealed, "Silveny's here!"

I sighed to myself, knowing that I was the only one in the whole complex that would have to deal with this.

Getting up, I walked over to an eager Sophie who already had her sights set on me. And, I almost did a double take when I saw her exceedingly vibrant outfit choice.


"Too bright," I groaned out loud, stomping over to an excited Sophie.

She opened her mouth to say something, but I continued with my words, an evil smile threatening to show up on my face, but I kept my straight composure.

"Too loud," I snapped, shoving her back outside and slamming the door in her gaping face.

Chuckling evilly to myself, I locked and bolted the door, using the extra precautionary safety measures in case we were under attack.

I yawned as I turned back around, walking back to my armchair even as banging and yelling could be heard outside.


Dex's POV

I had no idea how the mission to save Jolie was going, but all I knew was that Edaline asked me to wait near Brant's old house again.

Thankfully, I was still pacing around in the area when she hailed me, so I didn't have to return to the treehouse. But, if I didn't do something that involved visiting my family soon, I would look way too suspicious.

I sat leaned against the post of an old, abandoned house and gnawed on my bottom lip anxiously.

All of the houses in the cozy, little neighborhood had been abandoned long ago when Jolie "died."

The Council was set to start rebuilding and hopefully make the place more comfortable and less haunting for its residents, but their plans were overlooked by other, more concerning problems.

So, the people had to look for or build other places to live. None of them stayed in the houses, as far as I remember.

I had been waiting here since I gave Brant the invention, which was quite a while ago. Edaline didn't tell me what I was supposed to do or what part I had in the actual plan, but I waited here obediently and patiently because I'd rather not mess up a plan that involves Brant.

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