Wet Mop

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Sophie's POV

"Foster, help me!" Keefe cried, immediately crouching down behind where I was sitting.

"Okay," I shrugged, lifting my hands to summon a huge wave.

"Wait, wait! What are you doing with that wa-."

He was cut off by the wave slamming down on top of him and dragging him out into the lake. Once he resurfaced, his hair was completely plastered down to his face and he was gasping for air. He looked like a wet rat.

"Hey! What was that for?!" he yelled from his place in the middle of the lake. I had a small current wrapped around him so that he wouldn't be able to move.

"You asked for help," I said, shrugging again. "Now, Ro can't get to you because she hates swimming."

Keefe huffed out in exasperation and crossed his arms. The current I had wound around him made it so that he didn't even have to do anything to stay afloat.

Ro came barreling toward me from the hill with a terrifying scowl. I gulped and inched towards the lake, wondering if I should join Keefe in there.

Suddenly, I was being picked off the ground into a bone-crushing hug. Ro lifted me up so that my feet weren't touching the ground and spun me around, laughing wickedly.

"Blondie, this is the best gift you could ever give me!" Ro shrieked in excitement. I, along with everyone else, looked at her confusedly.

"You ruined the Hair!" Ro cackled, placing me back on the floor. As if on queue, everyone turned to look at a gaping Keefe, with his hands frantically reaching up to feel his hair.

"MY HAIR!" he wailed, messing it up even more with his frantic hands.

"I would still keep one eye open when you sleep at night, Mophead," Ro laughed evilly as she took Keefe's spot in the circle.


The sounds of splashing and more shouting could be heard from the direction of the wet mop.

I turned back to the group and raised an eyebrow. "What do you think, guys? Should I bring him back in now? I'm pretty sure he's just going to attack me."

The rest of my friends slowly shook their head, saying no to bringing him back in.

"Alright then," I smiled, taking my seat again. I looked up to my left and noticed Sandor standing stiffly and scrutinizing my wound, but I flicked him off. I was about to share the story with the rest of the group anyways. "I'm going to project my memories like a movie, so everyone just sit back and relax."

I quickly concentrated on taking the memories I wanted to show them and bringing them to life. A short distance away from me, right in front of Piper, who was opposite me in the circle, a huge 2-D square of light came to life. It flickered a bit before my memories filled the screen. The first image that appeared was of me jumping out the window of my bedroom, which I got disapproving looks from Sandor for.

"Where's that salty, buttery human treat when you need it," Ro grumbled, referring to the time I brought popcorn over when Keefe and I watched a human movie together. Dex was kind enough to lend the DVD player that his family had, as well as his small collection of movies. Keefe's favorite was Batman, of course.

"You mean popcorn?" Frank asked.

"Yeah. That," Ro said, snapping her fingers.

"Now you guys are having popcorn without me?!" Keefe whined from his spot. No one turned to look at him, but I was suspicious because it sounded like he was closer than he was before. He had also stopped his wailing and flailing, so I grew wary of his current actions. The only person that could've helped him out of that current was Percy.

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