All That Sparkles Is Evil

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Keefe's POV

The second I was dropped outside of the door, a figure emerged from the shadows and held me down to the floor.

I opened my eyes to see an angry Tam covered in glitter and neon feathers, with ice blue tips to his bangs.

That'll be in my nightmares from now on.

He had straddled me to hold me down. My other friends were approaching, mad as well, but knew that Tam was more than capable of killing me for them.


"I just wanna-," Tam cut himself off, leaning back off me a bit to motion him strangling me with his hands. He tried to calm down his angry breaths as I lie there underneath him, waiting for an attack.

This is getting a bit awkward. I might as well joke around a bit in my last minutes of life.

"I take it you found out what happened to Linh," I weakly tried to joke, but regretted it when his face became even more engraved.

"What did you do to my twin sister?" he spoke, deadly calm, as his jaw ticked under all the glitter. Somehow, he looked even more intimidating under all the glitter and neon colors.

"Well . . . in my defense . . . to put it in other words . . . in summary . . . Linh!" I stalled, until I spotted Linh walking out of the room she shared with Tam.

Tam immediately got off of me to see his sister. I took the time to get off the floor, open the door behind me, so and slip into Foster's and my room.

I locked the door and turned around, sliding my back down against it.

Angry yelling and pounding came from the other side of the door, so I quickly pushed myself off it. I stood up and looked around the room, looking for a certain blonde elf-demigod, but she was nowhere in sight.

I sauntered over to the bathroom and knocked on the door, figuring she was probably getting ready or something.

The door opened a few seconds later to Foster's beautiful, tear-stained face.

Wait a minute . . .

"Hey, why are you crying?" I asked, concerned, as I pulled her out of the bathroom and embraced her. She was shivering, but not from the cold. Something had happened in the small amount of time that I was almost strangled to death to shake her up.

She pulled away slightly to look up at me, sniffling slightly.

"Mr. Forkle hailed me to tell me that Amy and my parents no longer exist," she choked out.

"What does that mean," I confusedly queried, furrowing my eyebrows.

"They're gone, Keefe. They never existed. Their house isn't there anymore, their names aren't on any legal documents, and they haven't been relocated. They're just . . . gone," she said through her tears.

"Hey, we can get them back from the Neverseen. Just like last time," I tried to soothe her, but she just pushed out of my arms and took a step back, shaking her head frantically.

"That's the thing. Mr. Forkle said that the Neverseen would never be capable of something like this. Mr. Forkle has been keeping an eye on my human family all day, every day. He was alerted the minute it happened, and that was already too late for him to do anything about it," she ranted, wringing her hands out nervously.

I feel like I'm getting hit by a train of nerves every second.

"What are you trying to say?" I was really trying to understand where she was going with this, but my brain wasn't processing all of this information. I was still recovering from the actual shock of it happening. After her parents' first kidnapping, I thought that it wouldn't be possible to happen again. But, that was sadly not the case.

"Keefe, the Neverseen aren't behind this," she finished, frantically shifting her eyes between my own, like she was anticipating shock, or something.

"Then who?" I asked.

"Mr. Forkle thinks he has an idea."

Tam's POV

I rushed over to Linh and pulled her into a hug, having cleaned off most of what was dropped on me.

Except for the glitter.

That evil substance. All that sparkles is evil; try to convince me otherwise.

"What happened to you?" I demand, pulling back to look at her.

She seemed completely fine, maybe a little tired from her slouched shoulders, drooping eyes, and small frown. But, other than that, she didn't have any Alicorn poop or neon feathers on her. She wasn't died a single color from head to toe. She wasn't stuck to someone else, or shocked when touching anything, at least I didn't think so.

The only thing that I noticed was the way she was walking more carefully than usual, like her feet were sore or something.

"Sunrise led me into the forest, and then left me in the middle of nowhere," she pouted, jutting out her lower lip.

"There, there," I tried to console her, patting her back gently, but I had no idea what she was talking about. Who names their kid Sunrise?

Must be evil.

"Who's Sunrise?" I asked softly.

"The bunny that showed up at the door last night. It looked like it wanted to come inside, so I opened the door, but it sprinted to the edge of the forest. I followed it, still thinking it needed help. We got to a clearing where I could see a bit of the sunrise, and the bunny was the same color of yellow as the fading sun, so I named it that. But, when I looked down from the sky, Sunrise was gone," Linh explained, her eyes watering slightly. I felt bad, but I also didn't.

I was more focused on the truth of the story that she told me.

"And, how do you suppose the bunny knew to knock on Animal Lover's door? Why would a bunny lead you into the forest, just to ditch you?" I inquired, waiting for realization to sink in.

"Because . . ." Here we go, she finally understands. "I give off that safe aura that animals can sense," she grinned. I scowled.

"Thanks, Tam, you made me feel so much better," she smiled gratefully and skipped away from me, toward the kitchen, without even a glance at the comical figures banging on Keefe's and Sophie's door.

I sighed. The whole point of me asking those questions was for Linh to figure out that Sophie had to play a part in the prank, therefore Sophie helped Keefe with the other pranks.

I walked over to the other idiots that were banging and shouting at the closed and locked door. Pulling Fitz out of the group, I grabbed him by his teal shoulders.

"Don't you have a key?" I asked.

"Oh, right," Fitz muttered, brushing off my hold on him to run somewhere else in the house.

I brushed my hands off on the pants that Fitz let me borrow and shivered. I hate physical contact.

Minutes later, Fitz came running back down the hallway with a key, screaming 'I got it! I got it!'. I just stood back and watched everything happen, yawning slightly.

The idiots took about three minutes to open the door with the key. Three. Minutes.

I shoved past them, when they finally got the simple lock open, and marched into the room. Keefe and Sophie were sitting against the headboard of the bed, Sophie in Keefe's arms with tear stains running down her face. She looked like she was slightly shivering, too.

I immediately dropped my scowl.

"What's going on in here?" Biana asked rather loudly.

"Sophie's parents and sister were kidnapped," Keefe answered, with a small smile, as he looked up at us.

"Oh, we're so sorry, Sophie," Dex said, shuffling from side to side on his feet.

"Neverseen, again?" Fitz asked gruffly. Something told me that he still wanted Keefe to pay for the pranks, but was holding himself back for Sophie's sake.

"No, it was . . ."

A/N: just a short filler part. also online school just started today, so booooo :((

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