Shady Jerk

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Sophie's POV

We decided to only prank the elves. Keefe originally wanted to prank Tam just for the heck of it, but I tried to talk him out of it.

Tried and failed.

Keefe ended up talking me into it, by saying that we needed to prank Tam because he gave me my first ever loss in Base Quest.

We also decided not to include the demigods in on our pranks until after they were in effect, giving them no chance to rat us out.

While everyone was gathering in the lounge area for games, Keefe and I sprinted around the house to set up the pranks. We set up back-ups in case they didn't fall for the first ones, too.

If all this worked out, they could all end up falling for multiple pranks.

Oh, well.

In the end, Leo caught us while he was trying to find the bathroom. We were just about to set up our last prank, too.

I noticed him, first, but it was too late for me to warn Keefe, seeing as Leo had already spotted us. I wondered what we looked like in Leo's perspective; me carrying a bucket of Alicorn poop, and Keefe holding a bucket of Verdi's feathers. Both of us fumbled with our buckets, trying to tuck them behind us, to no avail.

We practically had a sign attached to us, saying: SUSPICIOUS.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" Leo asked, approaching us slowly from the opposite end of the hall.

"Taking out the trash."

"Pranking our friends," Keefe said at the same time.

I turned my head slightly to glare at him. Obviously, we weren't up to something good, but he could've done just a little bit better at covering it up.

"I meant," he cleared his throat. "We're taking out the trash."

"Uh huh," Leo said unconvinced, crossing his arms as he got within a 3-foot radius of us.

"Fine! You caught us!" Keefe exclaimed a little too loudly. I switched to hold my bucket with only one hand and punched his arm. He winced and flashed me a guilty smile.

"Are you guys actually pranking everyone?" Leo asked, shocked.

"Yeah," I sighed, deciding to be truthful since Keefe already ruined it. "But only the elves because they ate all the Mallowmelt, knowing that Keefe and I didn't get any."

"Hence, our need for revenge," Keefe inputed, rubbing his hands together evilly.

"Ok," Leo shrugged. "I won't tell anyone, but I want in on the pranks."

"Sure, you can help us with the last one," I said, handing him the bucket.

He scrunched his nose at the smell and looked up at us questioningly. We both shook our heads, signaling that he did not want to know.


We sat in a circle on the floor, with the small table, which was positioned in the middle of the carpet, pushed out of the way. Keefe, Leo, and I had finished setting up the pranks without many noticing that we were gone. When we had come back into the lounge area, we used the excuse that we were preparing everyone's rooms, which we actually did.

This time, we decided to let the demigods choose a game we played. At first, they suggested Kiss, Marry, Kill, but most of them argued that we didn't know enough of the same people to play that game. And, it would have created drama within our group, so that game was eliminated from our choices.

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