The B-Word

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Sophie's POV

Before I could even reach the front door, the distinct voices of two of my friends emerged from the thick woods of the forest. They were clearly arguing about something, but stopped when they spotted me.

"Is that an astronaut?!" Percy called out, sounding absolutely astonished.

"No, Seaweed Brain, that's your sister," Annabeth scowled at him, smacking the back of his head none too lightly.

"I was kidding, Wise Girl!" he exclaimed as they walked right up to me, Percy massaging the back of his head with a pained and regretful expression.

"Hey, guys! I-."

"Why do you smell like seaweed?" Percy cut me off mid-statement to ask.

"Well, there-."

"You sure it's not just the smell of your seaweed brain malfunctioning?" Annabeth asked Percy with a snide smile.

"I find that very offensive," Percy claimed, smacking a hand onto his chest while feigning hurt. It actually looked like it hurt to do that.

"The truth only offends those who live outside of it," Annabeth stated chirpily, highly contrasting her usual composed and cold demeanor.

"Stated like a true dictionary," Percy snorted, shaking his head.

"Perce, that doesn't even make sense," Annabeth frowned, looking actually concerned.

"It was another joke!" he exclaimed, sounding more desperate this time. It was then that I knew: he was not joking. "Anyways, what happened?"

I had been crossing my arms and tapping my right foot on the ground impatiently the whole time. As they both continued to stare at me expectantly, I raised an eyebrow.

Then, I turned and pushed open the doors as intended when I had marched over to kick a certain Shade's butt.

Before either of the demigods even knew what was going on, I'd slammed the door and redid the safety precautions to lock them out.

Apparently, Tam had taken them off during the time I had spent outside. He couldn't even tell there was a Blue Man out there?

Anyways, I stomped all the way over to the boys' corridor, ignoring all of the pounding on the front door from outside.

When I got to Tam's door, I knock twice and then yanked the door open.

I do have manners, you know.

He was lounging on his bed, staring up at the ceiling with his hands folded on his stomach.

"You!" I screeched, flinging myself at his relaxed figure.

He didn't even glance at me when I pounced right next to him, hand up to slap his shoulder or something. Instead, I narrowed my eyes and inflicted a bit of pain on him, causing his head to snap right in my direction.

I leaned back on my heels with a smile of satisfaction.

"Oh, Sophie! This is a surprise!" he shot upright, a huge fake smile dawning on his face. "I haven't seen you all morning!"

I narrowed my eyes at his cheeky smile, one that Tam only had on his face when he was outsmarting someone.

And just like that, a light bulb turned on in my head.

"I haven't seen you either," I replied, a huge smile working its way onto my face, causing his to falter slightly. "I was going to grab something from my room a little while ago, but the door seemed to have been having problems functioning properly.

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