Luke Skywalker

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Dex's POV

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Leo asked ominously, emerging from the subtle shadows of the early morning lighting.

"Phew, Leo, you scared me," I panted out nervously, tightening my hand around the invention in my pocket. "What're you doing up?"

"Oh, you know," Leo started nonchalantly, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Just chilling out by the shore, waiting for the perfect morning light to catch my beautiful reflection in the water."

"Right," I drawled, feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"Why are you out here?" Leo asked suspiciously, getting closer.

I was going to break a sweat at this rate, debating on flat out telling him or doing my best to lie. The problem was that I was possibly the worst liar in all of elven history.

"Just figured it's been a while since I visited my family," I replied somewhat smoothly. "I have been meaning to go to Slurps and Burps to help my dad, anyways."

Thankfully, Leo looked accepting of the information, probably sensing that I was just a timid and shy elf in general.

"Alright, I won't tell anyone about you being so suspicious if you don't tell anyone about my early morning self-reflections," Leo stated, starting to walk to the hideout. Halfway there, me still glued to my spot, he shouted, "Don't think I don't sense that tech thing in your pocket!"

As he entered the hideout, I slowly turned around, still completely stunned. Deciding to just forget about that encounter for now, I drew out the crystal that I had surprisingly found stashed away in my belongings.

It led to Brant and Jolie's old house.

In actuality, it was solely Brant's house. Jolie still resided at Havenfield, but stayed in the Elite towers of Foxfire.

Still, Jolie spent most of her free time at Brant's house, therefore giving each of her family members a crystal to there in case of emergency or if there was a scheduled event there.

Originally, my family hadn't minded Brant. Sure, he was Talentless and a "bad match" for Jolie, but us Dizznees and Ruewens never cared for the elven norms in that retrospect.

I only really visited that house once or twice, but I could tell how happy Jolie was when I was there. That's why we accepted Brant; he made Jolie happy.

Sighing softly, I finally raised the crystal to the light and allowed it to take me to a place full of memories I wished to forget.

Sophie's POV

Last night . . . did not go as expected. Mr. Forkle, Keefe, and I were up late night and early morning, trying to work on accessing the elements without opening the scroll.

Mr. Forkle wanted to be sure the scroll was only used as a last resort.

Of course, that meant interrogating me about my pull towards the scroll and ordering me to try everything in my power to tap into the elements on my own.

He was like one of those stereotypical physically demanding and authoritative P.E. teachers.

Oh, wait . . .

Yep, that's right. The "other identity I hadn't been acquainted with" was my old school's gym teacher, Mr. Ronalds.

He was a strongly built guy, making up for his lack of hair with his excess of muscles and core strength. Mr. Ronalds was a show-off, always setting the example of what to do for his students in the most obnoxious way.

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