Super Sized McShizzle

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Sophie's POV

Once Percy and I made it into the void, I realized that I needed some kind of description of this camp place - Camp Hall Blood?

"Hey, Perce? Mind if I dig into your mind a bit to get an image of Camp Hall Blood?" I asked, keeping my hold of his hand while we were surrounded by pure darkness.

Percy started laughing like a maniac, causing me to look at him questionably.

"It's Camp Half Blood, Lady Fos-Boss," he said, finally gaining control over his laughter.

"Not you, too," I whined, wishing I could just erase that nickname from everyone's mind. I mean, I could do that . . .

Not important at the moment.

I dig into his mind after gaining permission and picked out the location of a lively camp with green pastures, rows of cabins, and a beautiful picturesque lake. It almost reminded me of Havenfield, making me miss the creatures and my parents.

I made a note to visit them the minute I had time.

With the picture in my mind, all I had to do was will ourselves to teleport there. After little concentration - due to my comfortability with the skill - I was able to get us to the entrance of Camp Half Blood.

Looking over at Perce, I immediately noticed the excited gleam in his sea green eyes and realized how much of a home this was for him. It warmed my heart at his love for this place, reminding myself of how I probably look whenever I arrive at Havenfield.

We walked through some enchanted forest or something to get into the main part of camp. I saw campers running around everywhere, some practicing combat while others chatted among friends.

A blonde demigod suddenly hurdled toward us from the crowd, equipped with armor - I'm assuming for training - and attacked Percy with a bear hug.

"Seaweed Brain!" she exclaimed once she pulled back from the hug. She pecked his cheek and then slapped him. "Don't ever disappear for that long again! I thought you died!"

I watched the exchange with wide eyes, already assuming that this was his girlfriend.

"Sorry," Percy muttered sheepishly, looking longingly at his girlfriend. I 'aww'd in my head.

"Oh, who's this?" she asked, shifting her gaze to me. I could've sworn I saw a hint of jealousy in her stunning grey eyes, before she quickly hid it away. "Seaweed Brain, what have I told you about picking up random demigods in the streets?"

"That was one time!" he groaned. "And this one is no random demigod; she's special."

I grinned when he leaned over to peck me on the cheek and latched onto my hand once again. Looking back at Annabeth, I immediately regretted our actions because I knew what it must've looked like.

"Are you a daughter of Aphrodite? Did you charm him?" Annabeth rushed at me, spitting questions I didn't understand. I let go of Percy's hand so that she wouldn't get the wrong idea. Maybe a little too late.

"Hey, Wise Girl. It's not like that, I promise," he assured her, nudging her slightly away from me and grabbing my hand again.  "I promise an explanation, but I'd rather do it in front of the gang and Chiron so I don't have to explain so many times."

Annabeth nodded timidly, her eyes darting between Perce and I. She sighed and motioned for us to follow her to the main house of camp. Percy grinned and tugged me along by my hand. I was stuck in a daze the whole walk, admiring the beautiful scenery and feeling a strange sense of familiarity in this place.

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