New Recruits

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introducing some new characters hehehe : )
Sophie's POV

"So, you're the Void?"

"I am the spirit of the Void, yes," the ambiguous voice replied, seeming to shift around me in the measureless space as it spoke.

"Why do you want the Void to take over the world? What good would that accomplish?"

"The Void is a peaceful place, full of equality. There are no genders, powers, skills, abilities, anything that could raise any single individual over another. There is no death, nor is there any life. Once you get sucked into the void, your essence is all that's left of you. It takes on the same form as others. No individualization and no distinction," the voice proceeded to explain. As they went on, I started to feel a presence forming behind me, whispering to me to turn around. It was as if a sudden chill ripped down my spine, spread down my arms, and caused an involuntary curling of my toes to keep my legs stabilized.

As if in a trance, I turned slowly to witness the creature that had completed its materialization before me. It looked like the stick figure used on street signs to represent pedestrians in the Forbidden Cities, but with a more blurred outline. The figure was skinnier and taller than expected, towering over me. It was completely overtaken by a midnight black, but a lighter color wisped out from the hands like airy tendrils.

I sucked in a breath at the tilted head of the monstrosity, like a monster sizing up its prey. The lack of facial features alarmed me, though it had two holes in the neverending darkness that somewhat resembled eyes. Those "eyes'' were narrowed down at me, like they could see straight through to my own essence.

"You, however, may not enter the Void," the voice declared after a head-to-toe inspection of my average size, pointing a shadowed hand at me.

"Um . . . what?" I stupidly asked. I thought the whole point of the Neverseen exploiting the Void was to suck away the whole world, including me.

"You're the Elemental," the emotionless tune of the spirit deadpanned. "The Void would be unsuccessful in stripping you of your spirit-blessed powers, therefore you do not belong.

"I thought you would've learned this by now, child. You will never belong anywhere," the voice suddenly turned cruel and full of wicked humor. "You can't even fit in in a place that is specifically designed for inclusion and equality. How pathetic."

A fierce, white-hot anger started to bubble inside of me. This spirit was trying to rile me up for some reason, using my irrational thoughts and fears to take a stab at me.

"Well, joke's on you, because the Void will never be brought into this world by me. And, you'll be the one that doesn't belong for all eternity," I retorted somewhat childishly, confidence successfully backing up my voice.

"We'll see, little sapling," the spirit said with finality, as the figure before me started to be swept away by an invisible breeze. The spacious area around me began to dim, signifying the end of this lovely conversation.

As I was spiritually transported back to my body, I felt myself getting the hang of this new method of travel. My mind weirdly felt at peace throughout the whole process, and when I was finally connected with my body, I immediately sat upright from my position on the floor of Mr. Forkle's office. Thank gods the scroll didn't cause any damage to his office upon being unrolled.

"Woah, calm down, Foster," Keefe's voice rumbled from my right. I turned to look at him squatting beside me and gave him a reassuring smile once I saw the slightly worried look on his face.

"I'm fine. I'm just getting used to this," I commented, looking in front of me where the rolled-up scroll was sitting there. It was stilling taunting me, but now it had a whole new presence to it - in it.

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