❦; chill out

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𝑱𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆—— laying on his bed, a pillow in between us, watching a movie. He made us some popcorn and got extra wine for us as well. We weren't really talking, besides a couple of small talk about the movie.

I started getting impatient because of how long the movie was, I wanted to go do something with Joon, but it was in the middle of fall and things were closed or packed because of the snow and cold weather. I ponder my thoughts at what we could do. Then it hit me.

"Hey, Joon? Can we go ice skating? I've always wanted to, but I've never gotten the chance." I say, leaning closer to him waiting for an answer. He grabs the remote and pauses the movie that was still playing. He drinks the last of his wine and looks at me, moving the pillow that I was leaning on.

"You know, if I'm being honest, I'm more of a car guy that an ice skater, my dear, but for you, we can go try it." He says. I smile at him and get up, instantly grabbing one of his sweatshirts and putting it over my dress.

"Woah, slow down there, Y/n. What if someone sees us?" He asks. I let out a disappointment sigh. "Well, we are business partners and good friends, is there an issue to that?" I ask. He cocks his eyebrow and looks directly at his sweater I was wearing. Oh...

"It's none of their business, I can wear whatever I want, besides, they know by now what Jungkook has done to me, I feel no remorse for my actions anymore." I say, starting to walk over to Joon to pull his lazy ass out of the bed.

"Okay, but if anyone says or does anything to you and it gets serious I'll have to contact your father or worse, Jungkook." "Ughh, he can be a last resort and I thought I told you not to talk about him! I want to forget about him today and freely be myself." I grab Joons arm and drag him off the bed, he groans sarcastically and walks into his closet to get properly dressed.

I was placing my earrings back in when I heard Namjoon faintly. "I hate to tel you like this, but I'm not gonna be a good ice skating teacher or partner, I have to left feet and I can't dance for the life of me." I scoff.

"Don't flatter yourself, Joon. I see you at your parties, you're fine. Especially at slow dancing, you're very graceful." I say, walking to peak into his closet. He was pulling a long sleeve shirt over his head and I saw his toned stomach.

"Oh, so you look at me at my parties? Shouldn't you be looking at your lovely husband, my dear?" I snap out of staring and roll my eyes. I flick his shoulder, "I thought I told you to stop mentioning him!" I walk away and dramatically plop down on the edge of the bed waiting for him to finish getting dressed.

He walks out pulling his shirt down and grabbing a jacket, "you're right, okay? I'm sorry, I just...don't like the guy that well and I want to take the opportunity to show that to you." He smirks. I chuckle. "Well, you can wait for that, right now, I want to hang with you and learn to ice skate. When was the last time you had company? Or have fun for that matter." I ask.

"I don't, I like it that way, I don't have to deal with unnecessary drama or feelings other than my own. For you, I can make an exception." He says, both of us walking out of his room.

My phone starts to vibrate in my hand, Jungkook. Come on, Kook, it's only been an hour or so. "Hello?" I answer. "Do you want to explain to me why you're at Namjoon's place? What's the big deal in hiding or lying to me about it? Is there something I should know?" I start to panic, how did he know?

I take a deep breath. "I lied because I didn't want to hurt your feelings, I know telling the truth would have been better, but I don't really care anymore. I'm hanging out with him because it's impossible to hang out with you without being reminded of what you've done to me, I know you've been trying to do better, but you've already done the damage. Now, I'm going to hang with Joon wether you like it or not." I say.

I hear Jungkook sigh through the phone. "Fine, okay? Chill out, you don't need to blabber about our business like that with one of my associates." He says. I scoff. "You mean MY associates, you may work for my father, but once he's retired, you work for me." I end the call and freeze.

I did it! I can't believe I actually did that! I stood up for myself and told him how I really felt. Take that you fucking cheater.


Joon and I walked into the ice rink and rented a pair of blades, I put mine on first and held into the railing surrounding the ice, I turn to Namjoon who was hesitant about walking on, I hold out my hand and he grabs it, I was starting to slide die to his weight and Namjoon didn't have any balance.

Once both of his feet managed to start sliding he lost all his balance and didn't know how to calm down, he relied on me for balance which wasn't a good idea as he's much larger and heavier than me.

He slipped and I went down with him due to him not letting go of my arm, we both fell on our asses. We looked at each other and bursted out laughing. We helped each other up, I started to get shivers due to how cold it was inside of here, it was colder in here than outside.

Not to mention I didn't have good clothes on for this kind of thing, so on top of my tailbone and my ass being sore I was now really cold. Namjoon must have noticed and instantly pulled us out of the rink and opened his big jacket, wrapping it around me as my cheek laid against his chest. He was so warm.

I closed my eyes, he smelled good to. "Hey Y/n?" Joon said, I lifted my face to look at him. He stares into my eyes and then to my lips, he slowly leans in. I could feel his warm breath against my red cheeks and nose. "N-never mind." He looked away and held me closer. I smile contently, looking at strangers ice skating around, when I notice a certain pair.

"No fucking way."

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