❦; holy sh!t

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words 680
warnings mention of sa


"Y/n?! Is that you?"

   I hear Jungkook calling out my name and banging on the door, he was starting to get overly violent trying to open it. "Y-yeah! Hold on, I was taking a shower." I yell. I quickly get up and try to gather my clothes, my legs weren't cooperating with me and I stumbled my way around.

   Namjoon sighs and grabs his boxers and slides them on. While I was distracted trying to get dressed, Namjoon unlocks and opens the door, leaning against the frame. "Can I help you?" He remarks. Jungkook looks at Namjoon then me, then back at him.

   He scoffs and shoves Namjoon out of the way, he grabs my forearm and pulls me into him. "J-Jungkook...?" I mutter. He was embracing me, his arms wrapped tightly around me to the point his knuckles and elbows were white.

   "I'm sorry...I know what you two did. Please, I'm not mad or upset, I understand why. I'm so sorry, baby...you even tried to make me feel better and have that interaction with me, yet I didn't have the fucking balls to do it." He slowly eases his embrace around me.

   I tilt my head and glance at Namjoon, he smiles and nods his head. He walks out and closes the door behind him, it was just Jungkook and I. I place my hands on Jungkooks cheeks that were dewy with tears.

   "I've really been trying, to hate you, to leave you, to forget about you. I just can't, not after what happened...I don't think you understand or even knew how you helped me that night..." I trail off.

   Jungkooks finger tilted my chin to meet his eyes. "What do you mean by that?" I nibble on my lip and let go of him. I take his hand and we sit on the edge of the bed.

   "I'm sorry I slept with Namjoon..." I say. "Y/n, as much as I hate what you did while I was drunk and passed out, I honestly can't get mad considering the shit I've done to you." He says.

   His words made me giggle slightly, "Well...that night that we started talking and admitting we like each other wasn't what I lead you to believe, remember when I was locked in the bathroom on prom night? Well...that friend of yours was the one who locked me in there." I say.

   Jungkooks eyebrows furl in confusion and he sits closer to me. "Why? I don't understand what you're getting at here..." he says. I sigh and continue. "He locked me in there after he...he touched me, I said I was sexually assaulted and that's who it was." I choked on my words.

   "Y/n why didn't you tell me this sooner? If I would've known-" "If I had told you, you would have beaten him to a bloody pulp and besides that, you two have known each other for so long I didn't want to ruin that."

   Jungkook sighs and pulls me into his lap, he runs his fingers gently through my hair. "I love you, I really fucking do, I have the next week off. We can do whatever you want together, okay?" He says.

   Finally some time with him...I'm still on edge with him though. I want to try...but I know everyone around me hates that I'm giving him so many chances and forgiving him so easily.

   Jungkook slowly lifts me off of him and he reaches for his phone that was in his pocket. "I'm going to fuck up Namjoon, too, just so you know, but first I'm dealing with this piece of shit." He phone beeps as he taps through it, a dial ringing.

   My breath hitched and my stomach turns. "Please! I didn't know you still had his contact infor-" Jungkook lifts a finger up, signaling me to be quiet. The dialing stopped and he picked up.

   "Hey, Tae, we need to meet up."

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