❦; fight

881 23 2

warnings violence
words 1530


𝓐𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻—getting Yoongi's help with a erasing the video off the internet before profits were made and too many people had already seen it, Jungkook asked me politely to stay on the couch in the living room while he speaks privately with Yoongi. I had a hunch they were talking about a plan to beat the living shit out of the two goons.

In my mind, I didn't know if I was okay with them doing so, Taehyung definitely deserves it and Jimin does too, but is it really going to benefit us? I feel like it would just cause more problems for everyone else, I was torn. I didn't want either of us getting into trouble and Jungkook losing his job or Yoongi losing his job.

I hear their footsteps walk back into the living room, both of them laughing and cracking jokes about how bad they're going to beat the two in. It made me cringe, I don't recall any of us being in high school and still thinking getting into fights was necessary or a way to solve your problems. I stand up and huff, clearly agitated by the two idiots before me.

"Jungkook, I'm getting kind of tired, can we go home? I'm glad this whole thing is over." I say. Jungkook has a confused look on his face and turns to Yoongi to say his goodbyes and we exit his home. We get into the car and not even 5 minutes later, we start to get into an argument. "I'm going to be honest with you, Kook. I don't believe beating Tae or Jimin up will do any good besides cause more issues. I don't want to get more people involved into this stupid mess." I say.

Jungkook let's put a heavy sigh of frustration. "Oh, so now you gave him a nickname? Why do you even care if we beat them up or not? You should hate both of them." He says. "What the fu- of course I hate them! That's why I don't want to associate with them anymore and neither should you. It's not worth it, they're not worth it." I start to raise my voice, letting him know I'm serious.

"Why the fuck are you defending them right now? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?" He says. "Excuse me?! Defending them? I'm not defending shit, I don't want to keep my attention on them at all, they don't deserve it, Jungkook." I yell. He looks visibly pissed off beyond belief and he slams his hand on the wheel, the horn honks long for a quick second making me jump.

"You know what, I'm going to leave for awhile, I'll drop you off at home, you'll have your car to drive and get things you need still, do whatever the fuck you want, I need a break from your bullshit right now." He says. I was so pissed that I started crying. I'm never good with anger and letting it out in a healthy way, but I hold my tongue and slouch in the seat.

{ ᴛɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ }

We pull into the driveway of our home in a haste and I immediately get out of the car, storming into the house and throwing my bag on the table. Jungkook walks in and storms through the hallway into our bedroom, I hear home shuffling through the dresser and closet for awhile, slamming the door behind him with a suitcase in hand.

"Can you at least tell me where you're going? What if there's an emergency?" I say calmly. "Somewhere, and you have your dad to help with any emergency. I'll call you when I'm on my way back." He says before walking out of the door and getting back into his car before pulling out of the driveway faster than he should.

You know what? Fuck this, I'm following him. Yes, call me a crazy bitch but I'm tired of him running off when he's faced with responsibilities. I grab my bag and my car keys and run towards my car, frantically getting in and starting it. I pull out of the driveway and I can see the back of his car turning to the right at the end of the street.

{ ᴛɪᴍᴇ sᴋɪᴘ }

We had been driving for about 2 hours now, a couple of stops at a gas station to get snacks or cigarettes. I didn't even know he smoked, let alone fucking cigarettes. We had pulled into a gas station and I parked a bit away, he walks out of the car with his phone in his hand, next to his ear. He was on the phone with someone and I could see him laughing through the phone, who was he talking to?

He places the pump in the car and adjusts his phone, he brings up his left hand and slowly twists our wedding ring off and shoved it in his pocket. My heart breaks, I obviously kept trying to tell myself he wanted to keep it safe or didn't want it getting fucked up, but I thought the worst. He ends the phone call and finishes pumping gas into his car.

I continue following him, hot tears stinging my eyes begging to fall, I try to hold them back and not to worry too far ahead before I know what's actually happening. We go down two streets before turning into a gated off housing track. Crap, I need a pass or someone to call me in. The gate slowly starts to open and Jungkook drives through, I pull up slowly and am greeted with a young woman.

"Hi, do I need a pass or anything to get in?" I ask. "What are you here for?" She says. "I'm with the person in front of me actually, we're visiting family." I lie. She believes it and lets me in, it's pretty easy to get into these things. I slowly follow Jungkook's car that pulls up into a driveway of a blue cookie cutter house. I park on the side of the sidewalk and look at him knock on the door, he had a flower in his hand that I didn't notice him buying before.

My stomach churns seeing this and I feel lightheaded, I get closer and see a woman open the door and squeal in excitement, hugging Jungkook and kissing him. I notice the worst thing that could have come out of this outcome, her swollen belly grazing Jungkooks chest. She is pregnant. Tears stream down my face and I slam the car door shut and march my way over to them.

The woman notices me hastily walking up from behind Jungkook with a surprised and worried face. I grab his shoulder roughly and spin him around, grabbing the stupid flower from his hand and throwing it, following a punch in the face. He covers his face with his hand in pain and the woman tries to kneel down to help him, worried about him. "Jungkookie! Are you okay my dear?" She says.

He groans and looks up at me, removing his hand from his face to reveal a bloody lip and nose. "Yeah, perfectly fine, darling." He says annoyed, still staring at me. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! This entire time has been a lie? You have another woman pregnant 3 cities away from us?! You just asked Yoongi to remove the video so she wouldn't find it!" I yell. Pure anger rushing through my body, trembling, wanting to utterly kick that fetus out of her damn stomach.

It's not the kids fault, Y/n. Remember that. "It's not my kid! I swear it's not mine, yes, I've been with her but that's not my child, Y/n!" He yells, getting into my face. The woman is now crying in her hands, sobbing. "How could you say that?" She meekly says. "You were thrilled to find out you were going to be a father and this whole time you've been married to someone? How could you do this to me?! Our baby?!" She sobs.

I start to get annoyed. You?! Your stupid ass baby?! What about me? The fucking wife. "I'm not believing your shitty ass, you lie and you've always been a liar. You're a disgusting human being, Jungkook." I say. I slide my ring off and throw it at his face, walking away to get back into my car. Jungkook swiftly gets up and tries to catch up to me, I close my car door and lock it, meanwhile he's banging on the window trying to get my attention. It was no use.

I don't want to be around him. I don't want to see him. I don't want to hear anything he has to say, any bullshit excuses, any empty words that meant nothing. I don't want him. I speed off back onto the street, screaming to myself in my head, sobbing my eyes out. At the end of the day, this is my fault. I kept giving him chances when I could have just given up a long time ago.

Maybe this is for the better...

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