❦; seriously?

1.9K 51 22

words 882
warnings Jungkook being dumb, again...


"No fucking way"

I see Jungkook and another chick laughing and spinning around in the ice, her arms wrapped around one of his. She placed a kiss on his cheek and he gives her a bunny smile.

My heart sank and my stomach felt sick, it wasn't as bad as last time, but I was yet again disappointed by the man I've married.

Namjoon comes up from behind me and grabs my waist, leaning his head in the crook of my neck. "Look at that, I told you he isn't worth it, my dear." Joon says. I sigh and turn around to face him. I look into his eyes before-

"Hey, Jungkook!" I yell across the rink, which my voice echoed through. I hold Joons cheeks with my hands as my head is turned towards Jungkooks area. He glanced around confused and once his eyes laid on me, his eyes widen and he tries to let go of the girl and hide her.

"C'mere Joonie~" I kiss his lips, nibbling his bottom lip ever so slightly and allowing my tongue to slowly glide across his lips, he smirks and grabs my chin with his fingers and he slides his tongue against mine. I peak at Jungkook who was currently staring at us with a hurt bunny expression. As if I just stole his prized carrot.

In my heart, I felt bad, but my gut told me to forget about him, so far, Joon and I had doing good. Now that I know for sure Jungkook wasn't taking things seriously with him getting "better" I'm free. Free to love who I want, do what I want and more importantly, fuck whom I want.

"Y/n? You okay?" Joon asks, pulling away from our heated kiss. "Heh, yes, absolutely okay. Let's go home, I'm cold and I want to cuddle." I grab his hand and we walk out, Joon looks back and Jungkook and flips him off with his free hand.


"So, I know we've been colleagues, associates and friends for awhile now, apparently love interests recently, but I really want to get to know you better, since were living together now." Joon says, his warm body pressed against mine in a safe embrace. I snuggle my face into his built chest. "Not to mention I still need to pack and get my stuff, it's my house still, but call me a gold digger or whatever, but I love you're home."

Joon chuckles and rubs my shoulder with his hand, reassuring me. "Ahh, don't say that Y/n, this isn't anything compared to what you deserve, you're the strongest and most intelligent person I've come to know and I love that about you. At times I've seen you are very sensitive and shy, then you have this sexy badass self as well as your mature, sophisticated business woman. Super attractive to me." He says.

"You always knew how to make my stomach full of butterflies, Joonie." I climb on top of him so I could cuddle with him. I have no plans on sleeping with him or kissing him any longer, at least for now. I just wanted to kiss Joon to make Jungkook mad, but if I'm being honest, I wouldn't mind doing it again.

I need to work on myself though and sort out my emotions before having Namjoon get involved, I'm still married to Jungkook and I'll have to deal with my father as well. However, if I were to say I will be engaged with Namjoon, I'll make my family even richer than if I stayed married to Jungkook.

No, I'm not going to use Namjoon like that and I wouldn't, I'm just stating that maybe my father will let me leave Jungkook even though he's a prized employee to him.

"Hey Joon?" I mumble. "Hm?" Was his reply, too focused on the tv show in front of us. "Would you be with someone like me...? Honestly." I ask, slightly sitting up off of him to see his face. "Well, I would love to be with you. I may not know everything about you or your quirks, but that's what couples do, we may argue and disagree but in the end, we like each other because of our pros, but love each other because of our flaws."

This made my heart melt and my cheeks turn red, Joon was always a mysterious sexy guy to me, but I never thought he has such a soft side. I've never seen him with other girls all that often either, at least seriously or even romantically.

   "I understand the way you feel, however, I'm not ready for any type of relationship, it's not because of you, I need time to myself like I've said before. I'm looking forward to hanging with you, partner." I wink at him. He smirks at me and takes my hand.

   "You drive a hard bargain, my dear. I'm up for the challenge of us not doing anything until, later...let's say." He says. He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. I don't mind this light affection, I don't know how long I can go with it though before I crumble under his touch.

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