❦; everything's okay

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words 1073
warnings mentions of sa, hospital setting


"𝑨𝒍𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑴𝒓𝒔. 𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏——, now that you're awake we want you to answer a few questions regarding how you ended up here, is that okay?"

"Uh- yeah, that's fine." I say. The nurse has a clipboard and stands right next to my hospital bed. "Alright, first, do you remember any events from last night? Before you arrived at the hospital."

"Yeah, my boyfriend and I were having a really big argument...I sped off really upset and I guess I couldn't drive too well." I state with a nervous chuckle.

She shakes her head understandingly and documents my answer. "We're you drinking within the last 5 hours before driving?"

"No. Like I said, I was just really emotional. I barely drink."

"Okay, ma'am. I recall you stating this man in here with you was your boyfriend, but to be sure I must ask. What's your relationship with him?"

"Boyfriend, well husband, but it's complicated right now..." I sigh. I didn't want to be talking about Jungkook, I wanted to know if I'm fine to go home.

"Any medical history we might need to know such as allergies to any kind of medication, underwent surgery and/or rehabilitation?"

I look over at Jungkook who's eagerly listening to us discuss these questions and answers, not saying a word. "Does therapy count?" I ask.

"Yes, thank you! If you're comfortable with it, may I ask the reason why you attended therapy? For how long?"

"I was sexually assaulted very young...I was there for about a year and a half at most. I can't remember the name right now, sorry."

The nurse laughs and gently pats my shoulder. "Don't worry, ma'am. We weren't going to ask for that, but thank you for telling us. This could bring us to some sort of depression or anxiety induced attacks. Where you get really upset you can lose control of your body or pass out completely, have you been on any anti-depressants or anxiety meds these last 2 years?"

I've never considered maybe having depression or anxiety..."N-no, I've never had any medication for that. How would I get diagnosed for something like that?"

The nurse clicks her pen in the clipboard and gives me a reassuring smile. "We can refer you to a psychiatrist, however, you'll need to go back to therapy as it's been so long. You may not need them like you could have back then. Here, call this number when you want to talk to them, tell the receptionist that Caty told you to call." She reaches in her pocket and hands me a small business card.

I smile weakly. "Alright, thank you so much."
"The doctor will be in here shortly to discharge you."

   She leaves and closes the curtain to my room gently. "Baby...why did you say we were complicated? I love you there's nothing complicated about that." Jungkook says, getting up off his chair from silence.

   I sigh. "Jungkook, I love you too and yeah, maybe you love me somewhere in that corrupted heart of yours. That doesn't mean we're not complicated right now. You cheat on me, hurt me and make unreasonable claims for your actions."

   "But- okay I get that but I told you I promise I'll make it up to you. I know it'll take time my love, please give me a chance." He holds my hand and kisses it gently.

   "You say that, but actions speak louder than words, and so far neither of yours means anything to me."

Jungkook was stunned, his eyes sorrowful. I felt so bad, I love him so much still. I can't give into him too fast, he'll just do the same thing again.

"Good morning, Mrs. Jeon. So I have some test results and everything seems to be fine, however I do need you to rest and be careful with your head for about 2 weeks." The doctor said walking into my hospital room.

"That's amazing news! Right, my love?" Jungkook grasps my shoulder lightly and shakes me. A grin on his face. I sigh and give a weak smile to the doctor, ignoring Jungkooks gesture.

"Thank you so much, is there anything I can do if my head starts to hurt?" I ask.

"Some Advil should be okay, be sure to eat well and stay hydrated too, okay? You can go ahead and go home now, sweetie." She says, and walks out.

Finally I can go home. I just want to rest and watch tv, I'm really worried about having to go to therapy again. It's not something I look forward to.

Jungkook and I head back to his car, he opens the passenger door for me and I get in, lowering the seat slightly. Jungkook gets in and sighs, "Why didn't you tell me you were sexually abused or went to therapy? That's something serious." I roll my eyes, I just want to sleep.

"I figured it was way in the past, I don't want you thinking I'm damaged goods, but I guess you thought that anyway. Why do you think we haven't had sex yet, I'm terrified that I'll lose my shit and make you uncomfortable or worried. Instead of talking to me you went to fuck other people. How much have you had to fucking drink last night? I told you all this before anyway, god...you don't even fucking listen about something as serious as that."

"Baby, that's not what I meant. I was just...trying to ask again why you didn't trust me..." He places his hand on my thigh while pulling out of the parking space. "That may not be what you meant but that's what you needed to hear. Even if you don't listen. And at this point I'm glad I didn't trust you enough to tell you that, even though I had to tear it out of me so maybe you would get a glimpse of why I hadn't done anything with you."

The way home was quiet, maybe some small cries from me and some glances from Jungkook. I guess he got the memo I wanted to be left alone.

"Baby? Babyyyy~" I hear Jungkooks voice, I wake up in our bed, snuggled up in my favorite blanket, as well as my humidifier making the air smell like pine trees. "Did I fall asleep in the car?" I asked. Jungkook chuckles, "Yes, I had to carry you in, you've been out for about 2 hours since then."

I hum and snuggle into his chest, I just want his cuddles to make me feel better. If he fucks up again, then I'm done and moving away. Second chances are miracles and sometimes they lead to amazing things. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Jungkook, I'm scared to go back to therapy. What if it makes me worse or-" "Shush, honey. Go to sleep for now, everything okay."

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