❦; what are we

799 16 2

words 919
warnings none!


I get home, groggily pushing myself through the front door, setting my keys on the kitchen counter and flopping my body onto the couch, I couldn't stand being here. My home, the place I felt safe in now only reminds me of all the good memories I had of Jungkook, but the bad always outweighs the good.

I ball my fists and slam them into my lap, tears rolling down my cheeks and onto my fingers, my eyes were stinging and my stomach felt sick. I literally gave up my life for this piece of shit, I have no where to go...no idea where to go. "Jungkook...you fucking dick..." I mutter. I take a deep breathe...calmly getting up from off the couch and walking into the bathroom, I grab a face wipe and clean my face off.

I look in the mirror in front of me and all I see is a broken, pathetic girl. My eyes were puffy and red, my cheeks were dewy with my tears, and a slight cut on my lip from chewing at it nervously. I can't think straight, my head feels like T.V static and the only thing I could think of was the hopefulness that this was all just a big lucid dream... but we all know everyone hopes for that in these situations.

I shakily take my phone out of my pocket and call my dad, nervous to tell him everything I just saw. "Hey, sweetie. How's my baby girl doing?" His voice made me feel comforted, yet made me want to cry even more, I wanted to run to him.

"Dad...Jungkook has another woman hours away from here, he has a child with her...I'm sure they've been together for quite some time now as she was huge, has to be at least 6 months along...god knows how long they've been together before that...I just- I don't know, all I know is I can't be here, I'm taking my things and leaving, I don't know where I'll go, I'm divorcing him as soon as I can., I'm sorry." I held back tears, trying to keep any dignity I had left talking to my dad.

I hear a loud sigh from him. "I understand, honey. I'll send you some money to help you out, I can't give you much, I'm sure you get it. I hope you're going to be okay and you find something worth it." I chuckle, and wipe more tears away. "Yeah, dad. Thank you...again I'm sorry." I say. We say I love you to each other and hang up, about 5 minutes later I received $12,000 to my personal bank account, and my dad also transferred all the funds from Jungkook and I's joint bank account to mine as well.

I shove my phone back into my pocket and walk onto my bedroom to grab a suitcase and some bags, I fill them with my belongings, every single one, even stealing stuff of Jungkook's if I liked it. I didn't really care anymore, not at this point. Maybe I'll regret it later in life, doing something so childish and petty, but who's keeping a tally?

I pack my car with my stuff, walking back into the house and grabbing pictures from the walls, things Jungkook has boughten me and even some of his important paper work for work, I throw all of them into the fire place and light a match, throwing it onto the items and watching them light. The reflection of the fire on my eyes just resembles my anger, I'm so angry yet so defeated, I want to do something about it, but what is there to do? Especially to someone who doesn't seem to know what consequences are.

I walk into Jungkook's office and grab a pen and a piece of paper, sitting down at his desk and thinking on what I should write. Pondering if I should give him the satisfaction of writing to him at all. Fuck it...

To J.JK,
What you have done to me, no one should have to go through. The constant feeling of not knowing if you're enough or why. Why? Why would you do this? What do you get out of cheating? More attention? The feeling of having all this 'power' over women at your fingertips? Or are you just a pathetic, desperate young man, still trying to live out the college days. I don't know what I did, shit...I'm sure I didn't do anything, not for you or to you. All I know is, you don't deserve all these women, especially not the poor woman you trapped with a baby, it's unfortunate she's too far along to get rid of it. That tainted seed of yours, what will that poor child grow up to be like? We know you won't change Jeon, so how do you feel knowing your own kid is going to grow up hating you, resenting you or end up just like you. A piece of shit cheater who doesn't actually give a damn about anyone but themselves. Im moving on, keep the ring, keep your women and keep your sorry ass to yourself.

I hate you,

Sorry for such a short chapter, haven't been really feeling this book anymore but I still planned to end this story. First story I'll ever have finished with some future updates to chapters, but next chapter is going to be the last :))

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