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(From here on out it will now be in story form; America, Mexico and Canada are not the narrators, but this is the story they are telling)

The echo of children's laughter could be heard all throughout the palace. This comforting laughter of the oldest heir and his younger brother brought joy to the hearts of the servants and nobles, who were relieved their cold hearted king hadn't stripped the children of all their innocence and wonder. The second oldest heir however, was not taking this playfulness.

"Thirteen, what have I told you? We have work to do, you have no time to play!" The second oldest heir said with king like authority. Thirteen stared at his twin with disappointment. The two brothers shared nothing in common but their face and their name. Their name coming from the land they were to inherit once they grew older. However, it gave the two boys nothing to call themselves other than 'Thirteen' and 'Colie' short for 'colonies'.

"It's quite alright Col, England gave us permission. After all, British Empire isn't here right now!" Thirteen exclaimed, a slight excitement in his voice. Colie noticed the young boy grasping tightly onto Thirteens hand, staring back at Colie with fearful uncertainty.

"Shouldn't Canada be at his lessons right now? I will not live under the same roof with him as long as keeps speaking like a frog guzzler," Colie sneered.

"Calm down Colie-flower, he's just a baby! Besides, his English is getting better, right Maple?" Thirteen asked, looking down at his younger brother.

"Y-yes... England has been teaching me every day," Canada said shyly. Canada was always such a joyful and caring child, but couldn't help but cower in front of people such as his older brother and his grandfather. Thirteen held tightly onto Canada's hand, for he knew how scary Colie could get.

"Whatever, I suppose you two aren't busy. I won't guarantee that British Empire will be as forgiving. Also, stop with the nicknames, it's improper," Colie said, walking away. Thirteen sighed and led his brother to the kitchen. There, they greeted Ireland. While Canada was helping Ireland cook, Thirteen began sneaking out the back door of the kitchen.

Once he was outside, he looked upon the vast field of rye outside of the palace. Beyond the rye, was a large forest. Thirteen often caught his father gazing longingly towards the forest. Thirteen always wondered why. Perhaps there was something special waiting inside just for him? Thirteen looked around, knowing that he shouldn't go into the forest, and that British Empire would be furious if he found out...

But one walk wouldn't hurt, right?

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