I Promise

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(Content Warning: child abuse)

(Sorry if things seem to be moving a bit too fast, but we got several decades to cover here dudes ;^;)

*several months later*

Thirteen was swinging his little sister around in a waltz. Australia had only learned to walk a few days ago, but Thirteen wanted her to have as much fun on her feet as she could. The young toddler giggled as Thirteen picked her up and twirled around.

"Thirteen, you'll make her sick. Would you please stop shaking her up? We want her to be a graceful young lady, don't we?" Colie said, taking Australia from Thirteen.

"Aw c'mon Colie, she's just a baby. You're always in such a rush to grow up, aren't you?" Thirteen asked. Colie sighed.

"Thirteen, we're not children anymore. I understand if you want our little siblings to have fun, but you need to straighten up and focus on more important things," Colie said.

"I am! I just like to take a few breaks here and there, what's so wrong about that?" Thirteen asked.

"Thirteen, you and Canada are gone almost every other day doing who knows what! With Netherlands gone, you're the oldest heir our father has! You must shape up if you want to have any hope of potentially running the kingdom-," Colie started.

"Fine! Fine! I'll go see if England will teach me some sword etiquette or something, just get off my back!" Thirteen exclaimed angrily before storming off.

"Thury?" Australia called after Thirteen, still not knowing how to pronounce his name. Colie sighed.

"That boy needs to shape up... wether he likes it or not," Colie mumbled.

As thirteen walked away he whispered to himself.

"You're just going to find England.... you're going outside so you can find him.... you're going into the rye field to find England..... you're going into the forest to find England....," Thirteen rationed to himself as he walked into the forest. He followed the trails of flower crowns until he found the person he was really looking for.

"Hello Mex...," Thirteen said. Mexico smiled up at Thirteen, who sat down next to him near their favorite small pond.

"Are you ok trece?" Mexico asked, his English getting a bit better after the time he spent with Canada and Thirteen. However, he kept calling Thirteen 'Trece'. To him it sounded more fitting.

"Yeah... it's just... I wish I didn't have to grow up. I wish I could just be free of all responsibility...," Thirteen said. Mexico sighed and nodded.

"That is why you haven't visit as often?" Mexico asked.

"Yes... I'm so sorry Mexico... I... I really wish I just had more time.... but it seems the more I mature, the faster time slips away...," Thirteen said, not wanting to cry. Although, other than Canada, Mexico was beginning to be one of the only people he felt comfortable crying in front off. Thirteen felt Mexico place his hand on top of his.

"I understand... but please.... save time for your friend.... I've missed you.... Canada does too... flower crowns aren't the same without your stories," Mexico said. Thirteen held his breath, desperately trying not to cry.

"We'll be friends forever, right Mexico?" Thirteen asked, holding onto Mexico's hand tightly, fearing losing him if he dared let go.

"Of course, forever," Mexico said.

A few hours later, Thirteen looked up at the sunset sky.

"I have to go now," Thirteen said, standing up to leave, but before he could go, Mexico pulled him into a hug.

"I'll see you again tomorrow, right?" Mexico asked. Thirteen couldn't bear it anymore. Letting go of his pride, he held his friend closer than ever before.

"I don't know.... I-I.... I don't know anymore.... I.... I don't w-want to grow up, I just want to stay here forever...," Thirteen sobbed. Mexico was told crying was the crudest and most shameful thing a man could do... but he didn't care. If his friend was being crude, then Mexico had no problem doing the same. The boys cried, not wanting to leave their haven... their innocence... their childhood... each other... but the night waits for none of us. Thirteen dejectedly broke his friends embrace, and ran off into the forest. Mexico sighed and began to head home himself.

When thirteen got back home, it was well after the sunset. His heart thumped louder than a drum as he walked through the palace halls. When he got to his room, he found British Empire at his chamber door.

"It is rather late, wouldn't you say?" British Empire said cooly. Thirteen stared down at the floor, wishing he could just go in his room and go to sleep. "What has got you so mute my grandson?" British Empire asked, in a faux caring tone of voice.

"I'm tired sir," Thirteen mumbled guiltily.

"It must've been from exploring the forest... that could very easily tire someone out," British Empire said. Thirteens heart stood still, and he felt the color drain from his face. British Empire kneeled down in front of Thirteen and forcefully lifted his head to meet his gaze.

"Tell me, who is it you're meeting in this forest young one? Is she nice?" British Empire asked calmly, yet still instilling dread in the young teens heart.

"No-one sir, I just love the animals...," Thirteen lied.

"The animals. How quaint. Now tell me, what do you do with these animals?" British Empire asked.

"Nothing sir, I simply observe them," Thirteen said, clenching his fists, trying not to scream. British Empire smiled wickedly and stood up.

"You observe them. Yes... just as a predator observes their pray.... but even the strongest of predators..." British Empire took out a whip from his pocket. "Cower before the strength of a king," British Empire said. Thirteens fight or flight reflexes kicked in, and he tried to run away, but British Empire tripped him. Thirteen fell onto his stomach. He couldn't catch himself from this unprepared fall. He tried to stand up, but suddenly faltered after feeling a stinging pain on his back after the crack of a whip. British Empire forcefully pulled off Thirteens shirt, and began to mercilessly whip his bare back as if he was an animal. Thirteen screamed and cried, but the king was unmoved by the child's tears.

When it was finally over, Thirteen couldn't bring himself to stand up. He just crouched on the ground, shaking and crying.

"Go to your room now Thirteen. I hope you've learned your lesson," British Empire said, walking away calmly as if he hadn't just done such a horrible thing. Thirteen staggered to his feet and dragged himself into his room. He crawled onto his soft bed and gently traced his fingers over the raw sores where the whip had hit his back. Some of these sores were dripping blood. Thirteen curled up into a ball and just tried to ignore the pain.

"Your highness?" Thirteen heard someone say as they walked through his chamber door. Thirteen closed his eyes tightly and prayed this person wasn't here to hurt him. Thirteen felt the weight shift on his bed, as if two people sat with him.

"Thirteen?" He heard Canada say. Thirteen opened his eyes and propped himself up on his bed to see Canada and Ireland. Ireland had a small bucket of water, two rags, and a cloth bandage.

"Come closer your highness, I must clean your wounds before they get infected," Ireland said. Thirteen quickly wiped his eyes and sat next to Ireland, his back facing him. Canada sat next to Thirteen and leaned onto him, not hugging him as to not aggravate the wounds on thirteens back. Thirteen wrapped his arm around his brother and stared out his bedroom widow to the forest, wincing occasionally from the pain on his back. As he looked out into the night, the only memory playing in his mind was the comfort he felt when he and Canada were in the forest with Mexico... no fear... no pain... just each other.... Thirteen hugged Canada closer, who had already fallen asleep.

I won't let them separate us... I promise

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