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(Content warning: Child abuse)

The next day, Canada and Thirteen were walking into the forest together. Thirteen was carrying a small golden pendant that his father had gifted him for his 20th birthday. (Remember, they're immortal)

"Why are you bringing your pendant?" Canada asked. Thirteen sighed.

"Well... who knows what the future may hold for us... if this turns out to be our last visit, I want to give my first friend something to remember me by," Thirteen said. Canada sighed.

"I see... I wish I would've thought of that sooner... I... I fear this will be the last time I go into the woods," Canada said.

"Really? Why is that?" Thirteen asked, surprised.

"Well... I.... I just fear what could happen if... if British Empire finds out once more... it really is only a matter of time," Canada said. Thirteen sighed.

"I... I understand Maple.... it might even be a good idea. I'll miss you being there... but I don't want you to get hurt...," Thirteen said. Canada sighed and nodded. He couldn't figure out why, but he almost felt disappointed by Thirteens response. The slightest bit of innocence, of childhood, was begging his brother to ask him to stay. To give him one last reason not to say goodbye. But Canada knew his brother wouldn't beg him to stay; Thirteen never wanted him to go into the woods in the first place.

Soon, the brothers were greeted by Mexico near the pond. They sat together, and Thirteen held both his hands over the pendant, concealing it to heighten Mexico's interest.

"What is that? What do you have?" Mexico asked, gently tugging on Thirteens arm.

"It's a surprise! I'll give it to you before I leave!" Thirteen exclaimed.

"It's for me? Oh, can't you just show me now? Don't make me wait!" Mexico exclaimed, trying to grab Thirteens hands, which he was raising over his head in a taunting manner.

"Don't be rude Thirteen! Show him!" Canada exclaimed. Thirteen laughed.

"But it'd be less special!" Thirteen exclaimed.

"I only get gifts once a year on Christmas morning! It's the one time Philip has some money to spare! Anything you give will be special to me," Mexico said. Thirteen smiled apologetically at his friend.

"Very well, close your eyes," Thirteen said.

"I don't trust this...," Mexico said, smiling, feeling his friend was about to play a trick on him.

"Just close your eyes! I promise it'll be fine! If I turn out to be a liar, you may push me into the pond," Thirteen said. Mexico smiled and closed his eyes, covering his face with his hands. "Put your hands down! Trust me!" Thirteen said, slightly giggling. Mexico hesitantly lowered his hands, taking away his only defense. He felt Thirteen place something over his head, and then guide it down to his neck, being careful not to accidentally let it catch his hair.

Mexico opened his eyes to see a pendant. It was a small circular bronze pendant, with a star etched into it with the number 'XIII' (13) in Roman numerals. Mexico smiled and held the pendant close to his heart.

"I just wanted to give you something to remember us by! You know... b-because...," Thirteen started, not even wanting to think about never seeing his friend again. Mexico placed his hand on thirteens shoulder, and wrapped his other arm around Canada's.

"I love it," Mexico said.

Later that evening, the friends said their goodbyes.

"Mexico... I... I don't think I'll ever see you again... I... I promise not to forget you... I'll write you letters and have Thirteen give them to you, I promise... I just don't want to get hurt...," Canada said. A small bit of panic welled up inside of him. Am I being selfish? Canada wondered. Mexico smiled understandingly and pulled Canada into a hug.

"I understand... I'll miss seeing you. Don't forget to write, ok?" Mexico said. Canada hugged Mexico closely and tried his best to keep in his tears. With that, they went their separate ways. On the walk, rain began to slowly drop from the sky.

"Winter is slowly setting in... We should get a Christmas gift for Mexico, I'm sure he'd love it," Thirteen said, looking up at the gray sky. Canada nodded thoughtfully.

"Australia loves to paint... perhaps we can convince her to paint him a picture... I doubt it though, she does things on her own terms," Canada said. Thirteen sighed and nodded. When the two brothers made it back to the palace, they were greeted by Ireland giving them a concerned look.

"Is everything alright?" Thirteen asked. Ireland took a deep breath.

"I'm afraid not... his majesty is waiting for you outside of your room... he wants both you and Canada there," Ireland said. The brothers glanced at each other with uncertainty. They walked cautiously towards Thirteens room, hand in hand. When they got there, they found British Empire waiting for them their. Standing next to him was Australia, New Zealand and Colie. New Zealand and Colie both looked confused and concerned, and Australia was standing with her arms crossed and a smug look on her face. Canada felt the dread rising in him, knowing that Australia told British Empire where they were.

"Ah, there you are. We've been waiting for you two," British Empire said calmly. Thirteen and Canada were silent. "Now, Australia told me that you two were in the forest... is that correct?" British Empire said. Thirteen held his breath and looked over at Canada. He held tightly onto his brothers hand and looked up.

"Yes sir... but it was my fault. Canada did not want to go... but I forced him to come with me. He doesn't deserve punishment, I do," Thirteen said. Canada wanted to speak up and tell the truth, but his fear got the best of him.

"Very well, Canada, go and stand with your siblings," British Empire said. Canada couldn't move. He grasped tightly onto Thirteens hand, just wanting British Empire to spare them both. Thirteen pushed Canada over to his siblings. Canada tried to resist, but New Zealand grabbed onto his arm and pulled him away from Thirteen. Canada noticed Australia glancing back and forth between Thirteen and British Empire, as if contemplating if she had done the right thing.

British Empire brandished his whip, and began to beat Thirteen in front of his siblings. Canada held his breath and Covered New Zealand's eyes. Australia went pale, regretting her choice. Colie watched with a grim, focused expression. When it was over, British Empire turned to them.

"Let this be a warning. None of you are ever allowed in that forest. Do you understand?" British Empire asked calmly. They silently nodded. Once British Empire left, New Zealand hurried off to his room. Australia stayed put, and Canada and Colie checked on Thirteen.

"A-Are you ok?" Canada asked, his voice shaking. Thirteen hugged Canada, unable to answer. Canada didn't want to hug Thirteen back, afraid of accidentally hurting him. He just closed his eyes and pretended everything was ok. Colie helped Thirteen stand up.

"Go to your room now Canada, I'll help him from here," Colie said. Canada silently nodded and walked to his room. Australia rushed after him and grabbed his arm.

"I.... I'm sorry... I...," Australia stuttered, not knowing what to say. Canada just pushed her away.

"Go to your room, Australia," Canada said coldly. Australia just lowered her head and went to her room.

Colie walked Thirteen into his bedroom. He helped Thirteen onto a chair, and then grabbed a pillow. Colie took off the pillowcase, and began stuffing it full of Thirteens clothes and a few of his possessions.

"What are you doing?" Thirteen asked. Colie looked up at his twin, a determined gleam in his eye.

"We're getting out of this place,"

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