Cold Hearted/Moving In

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(No, I'm not covering the intricacies of the Cold War/Korean war/Vietnam war.... that would take an entire other book and I don't feel qualified enough to cover these wars fully. I'm mostly going to focus on how it affected America's mental state, which affects Canada, which affects Mexico. So yea)

(Warning: suicidal thoughts and actions)

"Ame could you just look me in the eyes for one second?! Without those stupid glasses?!" Canada shouted. America staggered away.

"F*ck off I'm fine," America spat.

"Ame you're drunk! I know you're drunk, you can't hide it from me!" Canada exclaimed.

"Whatever! I'm not... it's not the twentieeess I'm better...," America exclaimed.

"You call this better?!" Canada exclaimed.

"Well, you don't have to rush me to the hospital do ya?" America said, before cracking up. Canada teared up.

"stop laughing! When you got alcohol poisoning it was terrifying! I... I thought you were going to die... stop smiling!" Canada yelled. America just grinned.

"You should have just let me die huh?" America said. Canada felt taunted and aggravated by America's playfulness. Canada knew America was just trying to piss him off to get him to leave him alone.

"FINE!" Canada yelled, startling America. Canada had tears pouring out of his eyes. "JUST F*CK OFF AND DIE THEN!" Canada cried.

After all I do for him..... this is what I get?!

Canada stormed away, still barely keeping himself together, while America's smile faded into a frown. He sighed and went home to his mansion. He stumbled to his wine cellar and grabbed the first bottle he saw, but suddenly he heard a soft voice.

"America?" South Korea said gently. America forced a smile at the young man, but South Korea was brought down by America's unkempt appearance and tearstained cheeks.

"Yeah SK? What's wrong?" America said. South Korea took the bottle from America and put it away. America knew better than to fight him. South Korea lead America to his bedroom and helped him onto his bed.

"I-I... I'm going out to see Nekomi sir... do you need me to stay with you instead?" South Korea asked. America smiled.

"Go... have fun," America said. South Korea nodded, still worried for his father figure. America just stared up at the ceiling. Once he was sure South Korea left, he took off his glasses and looked at his pitch black eyes in the mirror. America laughed, ink-black tears pouring down his face.

"What's the f*cking point...,"

A few weeks later, America got a call from his father.

B: America... how are you?

A: I'm ok Britain, just a bit tired. What's wrong?

B: oh nothing, just checking on you.... Soviets in the hospital. He's doing worse..... I don't think he'll make it

A: Huh..... hey Britain, I'll call you later. Something came up

B: ok... I'll talk to you later then

A: bye

America hung up, grabbed his coat and glasses, and walked out the door. He walked through town, disregarding the people around him, and made his way to the hospital.

He found the right room, and walked in to see Soviet, fading away on his deathbed. America took off his glasses and coat.

"Hey Sov....," America said, sitting next to Soviet on his deathbed. Soviet didn't even bother opening his eyes. America let out a long sigh. "Sov... I understand if you're mad at me... I'd be mad too... this... this is my fault... isn't it...,"

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