I hate you

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Canada was walking through the halls of the palace. When you have such a big home, it's rather easy to get lost, so Canada usually resorted to aimless wandering until he found something familiar. Today, that place was his fathers study room. He cautiously walked through the door, and saw Britain at his desk reading. Canada could tell his father was agitated. Although Britain did enjoy a good book, he rarely had the patience to finish a whole novel in one sitting.

"Father?" Canada said. Britain quickly looked up, but his agitation melted away when he saw his son at his door.

"Hello Canada, do you need something?" Britain asked, a loving smile on his face. After all, his children were the only things he had to remind him of her....

"I'm lost... do you know where Thirteen is?" Canada asked.

"He should be in the library with Northern Ireland... why?" Britain asked.

"I want to check on him," Canada said.

"Oh? Is... is something wrong?" Britain asked, fearing that his father had done something to hurt his son.

"Um... well...," Canada started. He was hesitant to tell his father what happened. He didn't want Britain to be worried. "He just... had a bad day yesterday, and I want to make sure he's alright," Canada said. Britain sighed and smiled down at the innocent child.

"I'll walk you to the library. I'm sure that's where we'll find him," Britain said. He took Canada's hand, and together they walked to the  palace library. While they walked, Canada began to talk about whatever popped into his mind.

"I've gotten taller! I'm able to reach the third book shelf in my room without help! Scotland says, that if I keep growing, I may be twice your height!" Canada exclaimed. Britain laughed and picked up Canada, placing him on his shoulders.

"The view is better from up there, isn't it?" Britain asked. Canada giggled and hugged his father's head, making his crown slightly crooked. Soon, they made it to the library. Britain let Canada down off of his shoulders and watched as he ran up to Thirteen and hugged him.

"Ow! Canada-," Thirteen yelped in pain. Canada's eyes widened with realization, and he stepped away from Thirteen, tilting his head down.

"I'm sorry... I wasn't thinking...," Canada said. Britain walked up to Thirteen and kneeled down to his eye level.

"Is everything alright son? You look pained," Britain asked. Thirteen looked away and remained silent. Northern Ireland walked up to Britain and pulled him aside.

"Father disciplined him yesterday... he wouldn't tell me why," Northern Ireland said. Britain sighed and looked down at Thirteen, who was ignoring him and reading a book.

"I'll go speak to him...," Britain said, before walking off to find his father.

Thirteen and Canada sat together in the library, just reading to each other as Northern Ireland watched over them. This peace was short lived, for suddenly Australia rushed in the room and jumped onto Thirteens lap, tears streaming down her cheeks but a cheerful smile on her face. Colie ran in the room, followed by New Zealand.

"AUSTRALIA YOU BRAT, GET OVER HERE!" Colie exclaimed angrily. New Zealand mostly just looked tired of his siblings.

"What happened?" Thirteen asked. Australia hugged Thirteen closely.

"Col meanie," Australia pouted.

"She put a dead rat in my teacup!" Colie exclaimed angrily. Thirteen unsuccessfully tried to hold in his laughter. "It's not funny! Where'd you even find that pest Australia?" Colie exclaimed. Australia just giggled.

"She's just a baby, let her have some fun!" Thirteen exclaimed. Colies face turned red with rage. New Zealand could sense the oncoming argument and took Australia from Thirteen. He took Canada's hand and the three of them left the room.

"Fun? FUN? She's a lady! She shouldn't be doing these kinds of things! How could you even encourage this behavior? After what happened yesterday, have you really learned nothing?" Colie shouted. Thirteen was taken aback.

"Colie, please calm down, we mustn't-," Northern Ireland started.

"How do you know about yesterday?" Thirteen asked, interrupting Northern Ireland. Colie let out a sigh.

"Thirteen... I saw you go into the forest yesterday... I couldn't just let you off the hook-,"

"You told him...," Thirteen whispered in disbelief.

"Thirteen, it was the only way to get through to you-," Colie started. Thirteen pushed his twin onto the floor before he could finish.

"I HATE YOU!" Thirteen screamed tearfully.

"Thirteen, please-," Northern Ireland started. Thirteen just ran away before he could finish his sentence. He didn't care that Northern Ireland was shouting for him to come back. He didn't care about anything. He just wanted to go to the one place he felt safe. He ran into the forest and followed the flower crowns. They were old and decaying by now, some of them even blending in with the trees bark. Thirteen was desperate not to let the fading path lead him astray. He finally found the pond where Mexico would always wait for them. And there he was.

"Trece?" Mexico said. Thirteen sprinted to his friend and threw his arms around him. The two of them toppled over, but Thirteen didn't want to let go. He held on tightly to Mexico and cried. "Trece? What happened?" Mexico asked. Thirteen could barely bring himself to answer. Eventually, thirteen sat up and turned around, slightly lifting his shirt and showing the whip marks on his back. Mexico was speechless.

"They don't want me here... they... they want to keep me and Canada away from you... I.... I d-don't know why..... you're my only friend.... why...," Thirteen cried. Mexico hugged Thirteen closely. The two friends sat in each other's embrace and cried.

Meanwhile, Canada was searching for Thirteen. He had heard Thirteen scream at Colie, and Canada wanted to make sure his brother was ok. Canada snuck out into the forest, knowing that Thirteen was probably with Mexico.

"Thirteen? Where are you?" Canada called out. Canada tried his best to follow the trail of flower crowns, but as the crowns wilted away Canada began getting lost. "Thirteen? Mexico? Where are you?" Canada yelled, hoping one of them heard. Canada kept walking through the forest, when suddenly he tripped on a tree branch. He stumbled, trying to regain his balance, but he ended up falling in a thorn bush. He tried to get up, but every movement would get him pricked buy the bush engulfing him.

Mexico and Thirteen were just calming down, when suddenly they heard Canada's pained screams.


"Canada!" Thirteen exclaimed, jumping to his feet and following the screams. Mexico followed close behind. Soon, they found Canada trapped in a thorn bush. "We're gonna get you out, ok Nada?" Thirteen exclaimed. Canada just nodded in between faint cries. Thirteen and Mexico leaned over the bush and grabbed Canada, and together the lifted him out of the thorn bush. "Canada, what are you doing here?" Thirteen exclaimed, the slightest hint of anger in his voice.

"I was worried about you...," Canada cried quietly. Thirteen sighed and hugged his younger brother closely.

"Let's go back to the pond... we can pick flowers on the way so we can make a new path," Thirteen said. Canada sniffled and nodded silently, and together the three friends walked back to the pond.

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