I Love You

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(No homo warning. It's really hard to write male friendships when the term 'no homo' doesn't exist yet)

Thirteen and Mexico were walking through the forest together. Canada had stayed behind to teach Australia how to play piano, which of course was a futile task. Thirteen and Mexico had both grown a considerable amount, the trees no longer towering over them like monsters. The boys had to actively dodge tree branches as they walked.

"Agh! Árbol estúpido!" Mexico exclaimed, his shirt sleeve getting caught on a tree branch. He furiously tried yanking it away, but Thirteen grabbed his arm, and carefully unhooked Mexico's shirt from the branch it was wrapped around.

"So short tempered," Thirteen teased. Mexico pushed Thirteen aside, which Thirteen returned. Next thing they knew, they were back to play fighting. However, Mexico was able to pin Thirteen down after a minute.

"I win," Mexico exclaimed tauntingly. Thirteen laughed, as Mexico helped him up from the ground.

"No fair, you've grown taller than me! You're using your height as an advantage!" Thirteen exclaimed, brushing the dirt off of his coat.

"My height has nothing to do with it! You just don't want to hit me," Mexico said. Thirteen sighed, embarrassed that his fear of hurting his friend stopped him from winning a simple play fight.

"Well, when I hit my growth spurt I'll be ten times your height! Then I'll defeat you no matter what!" Thirteen exclaimed. Mexico laughed.

"We'll see about that," Mexico said.

Meanwhile, Canada was trying his best to get Australia to pay attention.

"Aussie, it's not that hard, you just need to listen-," Canada started.

"I don't care though! Why don't we do something else? You can take me to the forest with you and Thir-." Canada covered her mouth before she could finish.

"Don't talk about that! Someone can hear you!" Canada scolded, still remembering when Thirteen was whipped that night long ago. Australia pushed Canada's hand away.

"What's the big deal? It's only a forest! Why can't-." Canada smacked Australia on the back of the head.

"I've already told you! Shut up about the forest! Why don't you ever listen?" Canada shouted. Australia looked up at Canada in surprise. Never, not in his entire life, had Canada hurt one of his siblings on purpose. "Australia.... I...," Canada started. Australia stormed out of the room, unwilling to hear his apology. Canada sighed, and looked out the window to the forest outside.

He wondered if he should've listened to Thirteen. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten involved with Thirteens trips to the forest. Canada couldn't stand the thought of having no friends. Though Mexico was only one person, that's more than Canada ever had. Canada grasped tightly onto his arms, as if giving himself a hug.

"Why did we have to grow up... why do I only consider the consequences after it's too late...," Canada said softly to himself, unafraid of letting his tears flow as he looked out to the forest. His only safe space... but how could it be? If it was found out, it would only make his home less welcome, and the forest more dangerous. "Just one final goodbye.... how can I add to my suffering.... just one goodbye," Canada said to himself, realizing that there was nothing he could do to keep himself safe, other than to do the one thing he sweared he'd never do.
Say goodbye.

Meanwhile, Mexico and Thirteen were sitting by the pond.

"How is Colie? You've said you two are getting along again?" Mexico said. America sighed, smiling.

"Yes... well... he's becoming just as much of a rebel as I... remember when I wasn't able to visit for two weeks?" Thirteen asked, a mischievous smile on his face.

"Yes? What did you do?" Mexico asked. America chuckled.

"Well, my grandfather would always supply us with tea... but as of late there had been certain conditions. We only got tea if we did a satisfactory amount of work, and if we supplied him with money," Thirteen said. Mexico laughed.

"He's forcing you to pay for your families favorite drink?" Mexico exclaimed. Thirteen laughed.

"Yes... so... Colie and I got the idea to take the tea... and throw it all in a nearby lake," Thirteen said. Mexico laughed.

"The lake?! British Empires tea?! How are you not dead?" Mexico exclaimed. Thirteen laughed.

"We certainly weren't let of easy. But Colie... I've never seen him so happy doing something so rebellious. My, he's even speaking so vividly of our perfect escape from British Empire. He says there's an old cabin he knows of where we can stay, and he even went as far as to start packing! He certainly is a determined one...," Thirteen said. Mexico smiled, but sighed sadly.

"I suppose that's really it huh? I'm sure you two will go on to be a great nation... just don't forget your friend, ok?" Mexico said. Thirteens eyes widened. He took Mexico's hand and held it tightly.

"No! I promise I will never leave without you! Besides, I doubt I ever will! No matter how much planning me and Colie do, I doubt we will really see it through to the end! I told you we'll be friends forever, didn't I?" Thirteen exclaimed. Mexico smiled, but still teared up.

"I... I never doubted you Trece.... but... promises are just fantasies..... I wish it isn't so... but.... how can we be sure I'll even cross your mind if you run away? How can we be sure we'll ever see each other again?... just know that I understand if you forget... and I know I can't be certain I'll never forget you...," Mexico said, tears flooding his eyes. Thirteen hugged Mexico closely.

"Don't you dare say those things! I... I.... I just don't want to leave.... I wish I could just....stop everything.... I don't want this to end.... I don't want to forget you....,"Thirteen cried. Mexico couldn't bring himself to respond. He just held onto his friend tightly and savored this moment while it lasted. When the sky eventually grew dark, and the night began to creep in, Mexico had to let go. Thirteen grabbed Mexico's arm, but Mexico tried to push him away.

"Please Mex.... I swear... I swear I'll never leave you.... you're my best friend..... I love you," Thirteen cried. Mexico pulled his arm away from Thirteen.

"I love you too Trece... Tell Canada I love him too...," Mexico said softly, before running away. Thirteen felt the strong urge to run after him, but he knew he couldn't. He just needed to go home.

When he eventually got back to the palace, he went to the kitchen. Ireland greeted Thirteen, grabbing his arms and plunging them into a bucket of cold water.

"Why?!" Thirteen exclaimed. Ireland smiled.

"It's not my fault you were off past bedtime. I told British Empire you were washing dishes. So keep your hands in their until it looks like you've actually done some work," Ireland said. Thirteen smiled and kept his hands in the water. "Is something troubling you? You're eyes are red," Ireland said. Thirteen sighed.

"I ..... I just don't want to grow up.... I just wish I could go back and relive my childhood again... I'd appreciate it more than I did... now that I know how quick it would pass me by," Thirteen said. Ireland sighed and nodded.

"It's an unfortunate part of growing up... but, that doesn't mean you'll never experience happiness again. Your childhood may be gone, but you still have your whole life ahead of you," Ireland said. Thirteen sighed and nodded.

"I suppose you're right...,"

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