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Whoops almost forgot to post this


What was the rest of America's families reaction to reuniting with him in the WW1 chapter?

They mostly couldn't believe how much America had grown. They were all happy to see him, but a lot of them felt as if he was being a bit fake when joking around at the dinner party. They could tell his joyful and charismatic personality was masking something

How did America's family react when they found out about the Civil War and Confederate dying?

They knew about it as it was happening, and stayed updated on the war. When the news broke that Confederate died; his siblings were unfazed; Britain was torn, disappointed in Confederate but still sad his child had died; British Empire was also disappointed, Confederate being his favored child.


How did Australia's transition go?

I will never forgive myself for forgetting to write that in. Australia, in the 1990s, went to America and expressed how unhappy he was with hid body. Australia used to pin it on being a tomboy, but felt it was deeper than that. America tried to be understanding, but they didn't really figure out Australia had gender dysphoria until 2000. Australia started requesting people only refer to him with 'he/him' pronouns. It was a slow process, but people started accepting Australia's transition. He got a binder, and eventually, in 2019, gender reassignment surgery. His family, albeit slowly, all turned out accepting, but America was his confidant in most of the process.


Are you suuuuuuure Ame and Mex were 'just friends' in the beginning or is my gaydar incorrect

You know how kids are, they don't exactly understand their emotions, especially since their brains are still developing. While America and Mexico were in their teen-young adult years, they did have romantic feelings for each other, but since at that time the teachings of 'one man, one woman' were so engraved in their brains they never really expressed those feelings, only showing them platonically. If homosexuality was a standard and widely accepted thing back then, they probably would have been a couple. Your gaydar does not fool.

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