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America felt his heart beat faster as he and his brother were approaching the entrance of a palace.

"North, are you alright?" South America asked. Since they've declared independence, the two brothers settled on the name 'America'. And, both to differentiate themselves and to fairly split the work of running a nation, Thirteen became 'North America', and Colie 'South America'. The brothers often joked how it made them sound as if they were the continents instead of just a few United colonies, but they did enjoy their new titles better than just 'Thirteen Colonies'.

"North? Can you hear me?" South asked. North snapped out of his thoughts.

"S-sorry... um... you've met our mother the last time you were here... correct?" North asked.

"Yes, why?" South asked.

"Well... what's she like?" North asked.

"She's a fine lady, a bit quiet. We didn't talk much, for I was just there to speak to her father- our grandfather, rather- she did seem like she wanted to talk, but I was rather busy," South said. North nodded thoughtfully.

"Hm... ok.... one more thing, how long are we staying in Paris?" North asked. South smiled.

"You're thinking of running off and partying when we're done speaking with King France?" South accused.

"I'm just thinking.... perhaps our mother would enjoy a walk," North said. South shrugged.

"Perhaps," South said.

Soon, the brothers made it to the thrown room where the King awaited them. They bowed respectfully before him, to which the King laughed.

"No need to bow before me, my grandchildren, I'm pleased to finally meet both of you in person! Erm- which one is which?" French Empire said. The brothers laughed.

"You may call me North. I'm sure you're already acquainted with my brother South, The discerning feature is that I'm the attractive one," North said. South glanced at his twin, incredulous that his brother would joke like this before royalty.

"Sorry about my twin sir, he's a bit childish," South said. However, French Empire didn't seem to mind. In fact, he actually laughed.

"I like him! He's a charismatic young man. Have you got a wife my boy?" French Empire asked. North shrugged.

"I've no desire for one. Men are more sufferable," North said. French Empire nodded, smiling.

"Very true, if only you could marry a man. Hah! Could you imagine?" French Empire exclaimed. North tried to suppress a flinch, for the Kings words somehow reminded him of Mexico.

"I hope my brother would meet a lady soon. He might grow a bit more sensible in a marriage," South said.

"Well, if you don't mind extending your stay, I'd be more than happy for you two to attend the upcoming ball. Plenty of Noble women will be attending," French Empire suggested.

"Of course!" North exclaimed, before his brother could say no.

"Splendid! It will be two days from now, I'll have my servants prepare a room for you for you to stay in the palace!" French Empire exclaimed cheerfully.

"Um, sir? There is one thing we came to request," South said.

"Ah, yes, what might that be?" French Empire asked. South took a deep breath.

"Well, we've been rather appreciative of all your help, however, with British Empire upping his forces, we're seeing less of a chance seeking freedom. Our men were not properly trained for the army, and admittedly neither me or my brother are generals. If you and your army could help us, we can get much closer to our goal of ridding the new land of British Empires rule," South said. French Empire looked up thoughtfully.

"I shall consider it... I'm hesitant to do anything too involved. It's not that I doubt you, but you must be cautious when it comes to these things," French Empire said. South nodded.

"I understand. We thank you for your graciousness," South said.

"Of course," French Empire said.

After they said their farewells, the brothers walked through the palace.

"I will be going to the library to get some work done, will you join?" South asked. North Smiled.

"No, I think it might be nice to finally meet my mother,"

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