The Civil War/Union

380 17 13

(Content warning: attempted sexual assault)

America was staring out his office window angrily, Confederate standing cross armed near the door.

".... well, your pride and determination certainly impresses me......," America said. Confederate scoffed.

"I'm tired of you pushing me around North.... I made this nation-,"

"We made this nation.... together," America said. "You think I didn't try my best to keep everyone happy? I let the goddamn slave trade drag on... I let you look for the escaped slaves in my share of territory.... I didn't push industrialization to you because I knew you wanted everything to stay the same.... I did all of this just to keep you happy...,"

"With your damn taxes? You made trading increasingly impossible for me. Your industrialization in the north alone ran my farmers out of business! I'm fighting for my rights here North, just like old times. I promised to fight oppressors mercilessly. I just never imagined it would be my own brother....," Confederate spat.

"I tried South... I really tried..... you're only ever thinking about yourself. What's best for you........ I'm done trying...... walk away, but know that the second you turn your back.... it means war," America said. Confederate glared at his twin, before storming away. America sighed and sat down at his desk.

"We'll be friends forever, right Mexico?"
"Of course, forever,"

"Canada, what are you doing here?"
"I was worried about you...,"

"... what if we ran away? We could be our own country.... just us, free,"
"Perhaps we can someday...,"

America held tightly onto his head, these words ringing through his head. Losing Canada was a dagger in his heart, losing Mexico was the wound bleeding out, and now, his twin left him to die.

Although having the advantage in pretty much all accounts, America was struggling due to the fact his brother was a much more skilled general than he was. Well into the war, the two brothers had to search for allies. America's loneliness was exacerbated on account that many nations were leaning towards an alliance with Confederate. One day, Confederate showed up at Mexico's doorstep. Although Mexico was initially wary of helping Confederate, he was keen on Confederates offerings that came with the alliance. However, like most nations, Mexico stayed out of the fight until he was certain Confederate would win.

However, there was one man who actively made sure to supply the Union in trade. And America would meet him every time he threw a party.

America walked into the lavish palace as a special guest. Russian Empire made sure to invite him days early, so that America had extra time to spend with him. America didn't mind. It had been years since he had felt as though someone cared for him, and the Czars many invites sent a feeling of euphoria through America's mind. Although America was much younger than the Czar, RE assured him that his mind was well beyond his years. America was greeted by RE, who was waiting at the entrance of the ballroom for him.

"America, you look stunning my dear," RE said. America smiled brightly.

"Thank you Russ, you look handsome as well," America said.

"Oh, not compared to you," RE said. America smiled wider still. The Czar always made sure to shower America with compliments. America walked into the ballroom, taking in the crowd and music filling the room. "America, would you-,"

"Excuse me," A young man around America's age interrupted the Czar. He bowed his head before America. "Greetings America, my father has told me much About you. Would you care for a dance?" The man asked. America noticed the Czars annoyed face that he tried to hide with a smile. America smiled at the man, and graciously accepted his offer.

"So, you're Russia's son?" America asked.

"Yes, you may call me Union. My father always speaks of you," Union said.

"Really? What does he say about me?" America asked. Union laughed.

"how charming you are," Union said.

"Heh, it comes with my clumsiness. The most innocent are most endearing," America said.

"Ah, I see why my father likes you more than me," Union joked. The two laughed. America was having an amazing time. Although RE was kind, he loved being with someone who was around his age again.


America winced, trying to block out all memories of his old friend.

By the end of the night, America was stumbling out of the palace, trying to get to his carriage. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around his waist.

"R-russss...?" America slurred, drunk.

"Hello, Dear," RE said, his hands gliding from America's waist to his....

"Father! May I escort him to his carriage?" Union exclaimed. RE let America go quickly, and reluctantly nodded his head. Union guided America down the palace stairs and safely to his carriage.

"Farewell America... till we meet again," Union said. America smiled.

"Goodbye," America said

America was standing over Confederates dead body, a grim, unreadable expression his face.

"Goodbye... brother," America said, before walking away. After years of bleeding, crying, praying and pain, The Union was now one again. It was United under one, lone brother. One Nation. Alone.

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