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Canada was standing by his grandfathers bed, it being his turn to keep him company.

"You know Canada, you've always been my favorite grandson... some people just don't know how to keep their mouth shut, but you do," British Empire said. Canada just nodded. "But when I'm gone, I need you to promise you watch that father of yours.... I don't trust he has entirely what it takes to lead," British Empire said.

"I promise," Canada said. British Empire nodded.

"Good... get me some medicine boy, I'm not feeling well," British Empire said. Canada nodded. British Empire seemed almost addicted to his medicine. Canada went to the bathroom and to the medicine cabinet. There, he took out the medicine. In the bottle, was pure rum with crushed up leaves filtered into it. Addictive, bitter tasting, and undetectable enough for the senile king to mistake it as real medicine. Canada watched intently as British empire took his dose, before retreating to his room.

A few weeks later, the empire was completely bedridden and miserable. Every day, he'd be given his 'medicine'. Canada got Ireland in on the plan, and Ireland agreed to always look away when Canada was near the medicine.

A few weeks later than that, a certain man ignored a treaty and kidnapped Czechoslovakia.

"He's going too far! What do we do? We can't let another world war break out!" Britain exclaimed.

"Maybe we should just give him what he wants?" France said.

"Are we stupid?! This guy is crazy! He killed Weimar I know he did!" Australia exclaimed.

"Now, we shouldn't accuse him of that, Weimar was his brother! He couldn't of-,"

"I think he could've," New Zealand said. Canada just watched from the sidelines, fretting another world war.

A while later, Third Reich and The Soviet Union signed a pact. Together, they took Poland. Britain, now in full control due to his dying father, knew that this meant war.

Although, not initially keen on joining this war, America quickly changed his mind when one day, California ran into his office.

"America!" California exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" America asked, startled by his states severe panic.

"Hawaii! They attacked Hawaii! She's in the hospital, quick! Follow me!" California exclaimed. America and California ran to the nearby hospital and found Hawaii surrounded by other states.

"Who did this," America asked, a grim look on his face.

"Imperial Japan... we saw her...," New York said.

The next day, America told his family. Canada declared war on Imperial Japan before America could, frightened that one of his provinces could be next. And then, America joined the war. A while after, Mexico joined the war as well. Canada spotted him in the allies conference room and timidly approached him.

"Mexico! I-it's been a while...," Canada said. Mexico smiled.

"Too long, Canada, how've you been?" Mexico asked.

"W-well... as well as I can be," Canada said, laughing nervously. Canada was much more used to quietly observing than awkward small talk. He knew that if America was here, he'd start up the conversation for him. Canada winced, knowing that that'd probably never happen now.

Soon, Reich pulled one of his most famous mess ups in history, but he'll figure that out later.

For right now, Soviet stood at the Allies offices doorstep, sad and defeated, joining the fight against Third Reich and the Axis.

"Union? I thought I'd never see you again... at least, not on the same side of the battlefield," America said. Soviet laughed halfheartedly.

"I know.... it's strange to see you again after all this time.... I'm shocked you still remember me," Soviet said.

"Hadn't forgotten you since the day we met. I have a good memory," America said. The two began getting lost in conversation, but America couldn't help but notice someone staring at him. When he caught Mexico's gaze, the blank stare turned into a spiteful glare, and then Mexico looked away. America sighed and continued talking with Soviet.

After a long time of fighting, Reich was declared dead at the hands of suicide. However, Imperial had not given up. Even when America sent the warning that he was going to drop a bomb on her home if she didn't stop.

After it was over, America himself went to see the remains. While searching the rubble, he found a small hatch door. America opened it, and a young teen climbed out with his little sister.

"Are you two ok?" America asked gently. He knew these kids were Imperials, and he also knew they were the most sweetest and inquisitive kids he'd ever met.

"We're ok..... i-is.... is she....," Japan asked. America looked down in shame.

"Your mother... she's.... she's gone....," America said quietly.

"Good...," Japan said. America picked the young girl up and took the kids back to his mansion, both him and Japan knowing it was time for him to grow up and fix his mother's broken land. America held Japans hand tightly.

"You two may stay with me for as long as you need.... if you need anything, just tell me," America told them.

"America?" A young boy said timidly, peeking his head out from a nearby hallway. America smiled at the young boy.

"South Korea, Japan and his sister will be staying with us for a while. Would you like to show them around?" America asked. South Korea nodded, ant the three kids ran off to explore the mansion.

And just like that, it was over.


The war everyone hoped to this time bring peace.

It makes you wonder how long that peace can last.

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