Freedom and imprisonment

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(We're gonna skip ahead a bit to when America wins the revolution. I'm sorry but history was looooooong and messy and we only really wanna focus on the North America trio and their friendship dramas)

British Empire was furiously pacing around his study, cursing to himself. He had jus gotten word that Britain had to surrender. The colonies were officially free.

Canada was watching this outrage from the corner. Ever since the rise of America's revolution, the king grew a fondness to the quiet and obedient prince. Canada made sure to only ever speak when spoken to, and to only say what he knew the king wanted to hear. This was a habit New Zealand had learnt as well.

Australia However, was an entirely different story.

"I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY! AND YOU MAY WHIP ME UNTIL IM NUMB, I WILL NEVER SUBMIT TO YOU!" Australia screamed one day at the king. He had caught her wearing New Zealand's clothes, her long hair cut off by a pair of shears she had stolen. Upon hearing the scream, Canada, New Zealand, their uncles and their father rushed to see what was wrong. British Empires face was neutral. He had enough of rebellion, and he figured he should quell this threat before she too, rebelled.

"Guards, please escort her to the dungeon," British Empire said calmly. The guards surrounded Australia, and grabbed her.

"FATHER, NO!" Britain cried, beginning to run to his daughter, but being held back by guardsmen. Canada grabbed New Zealand and hugged him close. They could hear Australia's desperate pleas as the guards dragged her away. They never fathomed that British Empire would really send one of them to the dungeon, but they were fools to put it past him.

The next few days were numbingly silent, so that's why when screams echoed throughout the palace, everyone was curious yet terrified to find out the cause. Canada recognized the screams, and he decided to check on his father in the mask of night. He cautiously knocked on the chamber door, and Britain slowly opened the door for Canada.

"Father... are you ok?" Canada asked, he didn't need to ask. Britain had a black eye and every area of his body not covered by his clothes was wrapped in a bandage.

"I'm alright my son, I just need some rest," Britain said.

"Did... did British Empire...," Canada stuttered. Britain pulled Canada into a hug.

"It's ok Canada, I'm ok... go to bed now ok? You need some rest," Britain said. Canada couldn't respond. He just hugged his father closely and tried to calm his tears.

Meanwhile, North and South America were working beside the candlelight. The young nation were not going to rest until they were sure of their own stability. And unfortunately, this meant a lot of work. They split it up between the north and south, and distributed work to their states to help with.

"Well... we got most of the paperwork done... North, now that we're free... wouldn't it be nice to start claiming some land for ourselves?" South asked. North sighed.

"I suppose, more room for agriculture and infrastructure... oh, there's so much to think about, I don't know where to begin...," America mumbled to himself.

"Well... I hear our mother is starting a revolution against French Empire...," South said.

"Yes yes, and that's her fight, I'm confident French Empire is too cowardly to oppose her forces," North said.

"Are we going to speak out in support?" South asked.

"No... we can't speak too soon of these things. We're still weak, and any direct involvement can make us a target of attack. We must be careful," North said. South sighed and nodded.

"I suppose...," south said.

"We should go to sleep now... work will be easier if our minds are rested," North said. South sighed.

"I suppose so... goodnight, brother," South, walking to his bed and blowing out the candles.


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