The Ball

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Canada and his siblings were hanging out in the library, as they usually did in their free time.

"I heard Gramps yell about how Russian Empire was ignoring his blockade of sending the colonies supplies," Australia casually mentioned, half-reading a book.

"You sound in favor of this?" New Zealand said.

"You're not?" Australia asked.

"For legal reasons, I'm not.... I wish Thirteen would just give this up and come home... there's no way he'll survive," New Zealand said.

"And Colie?" Canada said. New Zealand and Australia looked distant, as if they completely forgot about Colie, seemingly by choice.

"I just miss Thirteen, Colie could die for all I care," Australia said nonchalantly.

"Australia what is the matter with you?! You need to watch your mouth! And what have I told you about sitting like a lady?!" Canada exclaimed. Australia smiled at him, and shrugged.

"Make me," Australia said. Canada groaned.

" know I'd never hurt you with a clear conscience," Canada said.

"Yep, that's why I'm not scared to be myself around you," Australia said.

"Yes, but if British Empire finds out you've been wearing my clothes he'd probably lock you in the dungeon," New Zealand said. Australia crossed her arms.

"I'd like to see him try," Australia said. Canada sighed and looked out the window.

"You sound just like him...,"

Meanwhile, in Paris, North and South America were getting ready for the ball.

"We shouldn't go... I still have so much to do..," South said.

"You've been working enough, it'll just be one night! After this, you can work to your heart's content," North said.

"You could help you know," South said.

"I am! Don't pretend that just because I allow myself some fun I'm not completing my share of work," North said. South sighed.

"Ok, ok... and I suppose one night won't hurt... please, don't make a fool of us," South said. North smiled.

"I won't, I promise," North said.

The brothers made their way to the palace, where the ball was being held. Upon arrival, the king greeted them with a large smile. He had evidently been drinking, but alcohol was a crucial part of parties.

"Go ahead and socialize South, I'm going to go meet some new people," North said. South nodded, and the brothers split up to socialize. While walking, North tried his best to keep himself from tripping over. He was considerably shorter than most of the people attending, and it was difficult for him to not trip or be pushed around. In his efforts, he accidentally slipped on the train of a ladies gown, and he fell into a tall mans arms.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" North exclaimed, the man helping him regain his balance.

"Ah, it's quite alright, America, Correct?" The man said. North America looked up at the man and smiled.

"Why yes, and you are?" America said, bowing respectfully before the apparent king.

"Don't you remember me? I've seen you in Paris before," The man asked. America racked his memory, before realizing.

"Ah, that was my twin brother, also named America, you may call me North," America said. The man smiled.

"Ah, I see. Well, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, North. I'm Russian Empire, Czar of Russia," Russian Empire said. America smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, your majesty," America said.

"No need for the fancy title North, you may call me Russia," RE said.

"That is very kind of you Russia... are you sure? I'm merely a colony...," America said.

"Not for long, your progress during this revolution has been frankly stunning. You've definitely earned my respect," RE said. America smiled.

"Really?" America said.

"Of course," RE said. Suddenly, French Empire walked up and slung his arms around America and REs shoulders. He then handed America a glass of wine.

"There you are my grandson, I've been searching all over for you! Now, what is it you were saying about needing more troops?" French Empire slurred with drunken enthusiasm. America knew this was his shot.

"Well sir, we have a grander chance of disgracing those brits if you send in at least a few troops, doesn't that sound wonderful?" America exclaimed. French Empire looked up in thought, loosened from his intoxication. Finally, the king shrugged and smiled.

"Of course! DOWN WITH THE BRITS!" French empire exclaimed, to which many attendees cheered. America smiled, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw his mother's somber smile. His dear father... his uncles... his brothers and sister... the palace he had grown in ... could all this be at stake? America shook off these thoughts, raising his glass in the air with those around him.


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