Run away

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As years past, the three friends grew older. With their age came maturity. They very rarely played anymore, and had memorized the forest well enough to not even need the paths of flower crowns. Their days of storytelling were fading away, replaced with small talk and gossip of those at home.

"My sister seems to always be in trouble. Ive seen uncivilized ladies before, but sometimes I wonder if she is a man trapped in a woman's body. Needless to say, my grandfather doesn't take too kindly to her mischief," Thirteen said, while walking through the forest with Mexico and Canada.

"British Empire speaks of having her locked in the dungeon if she keeps misbehaving... sometimes I wonder if Australia even fears punishment, for no matter how much she is beaten she's right back to her usual tricks," Canada said.

"Trece must have had too much influence over her. And besides, the girl was raised by men her entire life, it makes sense that she would act like one," Mexico said.

"By the way, why do you still call me 'Trece'? You understand English, do you not?" Thirteen asked. Mexico laughed.

"I just want to. Besides, I've called you that for years, its almost a term of endearment now," Mexico said.

"I suppose, and it'd sound strange if you referred to me any differently," Thirteen said. Canada looked up and sighed.

"It is getting dark again... I wish I could pause time... or even reverse it," Canada said. Thirteen smiled and sighed.

"Wouldn't that be a gift? I could go back and fix my mistakes. I'd be a perfect person!" Thirteen exclaimed. Mexico chuckled and nudged Thirteen.

"Philip says our mistakes help us grow, and our imperfections are what makes us perfect... so you must be the most perfect person of all!" Mexico exclaimed. Thirteen laughed.

"I'll take that as a compliment. I won't be able to visit tomorrow, so you and Nada are free to make fun of me all you want while I'm gone," Thirteen said, patting Canada on the head like a puppy.

"What could possibly be more important than us?" Mexico asked jokingly.

"Colie requested a walk in the garden. I guess I was hoping we could reconcile. He is my twin brother after all, we should try our best to stick together," Thirteen said. Mexico sighed.

"I barely even know my siblings... I hope you take advantage of tomorrow and repair your brotherhood. Maybe one day I could do the same," Mexico said. With that, they said their goodbyes and went on their ways.

The next day, Thirteen and Colie walked through the garden together.

"Is everything alright Colie? I've never seen you so focused before," Thirteen asked. Colie sighed.

"I suppose I can't lie... I've made a big mistake. I.... I tried to speak up against British empire... he was quick to punishment," Colie said. Thirteen stared at his twin in surprise. Colie was always so well behaved, and was British Empires favorite. So this sudden turn was unexpected.

"What happened? What did he do?" Thirteen asked worriedly. Colie sighed.

"I... I said he ought to appreciate us more for the amount of work we do for him... admit it, we've started to become his own little scribes... and he.... h-he.....," Colie stuttered. "Well... I've never been whipped by him before... he really is a cold blooded king," Colie said. Thirteen immediately stopped walking and looked his twin in the eyes.

"He... he whipped you..... that.... th-that absolute bastard....," Thirteen muttered angrily. He thought that maybe Colie would've gotten a less intense punishment being the more favored child... but it seemed that British Empire really held no-one dear.

"Yes... I was even wondering.... what if we ran away? We could be our own country... not just 'Thirteen Colonies'... something bigger.... and we won't have to be tethered by our grandfather, or father, or uncles.... just us, free," Colie said. Thirteen smiled, relieved that his stuck-up brother was starting to see things from his perspective.

"Perhaps we can someday...," Thirteen said.

For the rest of the evening, Colie and Thirteen dreamt up their perfect escape... but Thirteen couldn't help but think back to Canada and Mexico. He knew that Colie might allow Canada to go with them... but would he be as welcoming to Mexico? What about Australia and New Zealand? Thirteen tried not to think too hard about it. Besides, it's not like they'd be running away anytime soon...


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