The End

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America and Mexico were wrestling for the TV remote, when Canada walked in the room and gave them a cold stare.

"We're just being friendly friends... this is what friends do," America said, putting Mexico in a chokehold.

"Y-yeah, friends," Mexico choked out. Canada sighed and ripped the two apart.

"How about we go out instead of try and kill each other?" Canada asked.

"Mmmm the pub?" America asked. Canada shrugged.

"Anywhere is fine with me," Canada said. And so, they got ready, and Mexico and America got wasted. Canada had to reluctantly drag them home, keeping them from doing anything stupid. When they got home, Canada threw the drunks on the couch where they cuddled up together and went to sleep. Canada smiled when he saw them, recalling how things were so long ago...

"Mexi! Is he sleeping?" Canada exclaimed. Thirteen had fallen asleep on Mexico's shoulder, exhausted from the physical training England had him do.

"Shhh, let's let him rest... sing me a song while we wait for him," Mexico said. Canada smiled and started singing a lullaby...

Canada hummed to himself as he covered Mexico and America with a blanket.

The next day, the two woke up, confused.

"Hey mex...," America said, letting go of the embrace.

"You two looked comfy, so I decided to let you cuddle last night.... oh don't look so scared, it was just cuddling," Canada said.

"With AME? blehhhhh," Mexico said, pushing America away. America smiled and started fighting to hug Mexico.

"LOVE ME, FRIEND!!" America exclaimed.

"You're so lame!" Mexico exclaimed, trying to fight America off. Canada just smiled and rolled his eyes. Canada went off to his room to read, but panicked when the playful yells turned into screaming. Canada ran downstairs and saw Mexico holding America's sunglasses, America covering his eyes.

"GIVE THEM BACK!" America yelled.

"What is your problem?! They're just eyes!" Mexico exclaimed.

"Mexico, give them back!!" Canada yelled. America was crying and hyperventilating.

"A-Ame?! What the hell, just tell me what's wrong!" Mexico exclaimed. Canada hugged America.

"It's ok Ame, Mexico won't tell anyone ok? Just show him, it'll be ok," Canada said.

"I-I...I can't...," America said. Mexico gently grabbed Americas hand.

"I won't tell... just show me," Mexico said. America hesitantly showed his pitch black eyes, and Mexico stared in shock. "Ame.... your eyes are beautiful! What- how-,"

"I don't like them ok?!" America exclaimed, putting his sunglasses back on and trying to hide his tears. Mexico sighed and held America's hand tightly.

"Ok... but... your eyes are beautiful to me. Aw, I hate seeing you cry Ames, come on, give me a hug," Mexico said.

"Mexico asking for a hug?? Is the world ending?" Canada exclaimed jokingly.

"Oh shush," Mexico said, wrapping America in a hug.

"How about we hang out outside? It's beautiful out," Canada said. Mexico and America smiled and nodded, before making their way outside. They hung out near their pool and started making flower crowns.

"Mex, can you hand me the roses?" America asked.

"Sure Trece," Mexico said. America dropped his flower crown and Canada looked at Mexico in surprise. "Huh... I didn't mean to say that...," Mexico said. America smiled.

"I Like that nickname anyway....," America said, trying not to get too emotional over a simple name... yet, it wasn't just a name. It was a term of endearment, a promise of love, a word of nostalgia...

And for the trio, a conformation, that after forever, they were still friends.

"Wow... that was long and sad," Greenland said. The trio laughed.

"It's kinda a nice story though, don't you think?" Mexico said. Greenland smiled.

"Yeah... you three are really lucky to have each other... you know that right?" Greenland asked.

"Of course... we really are," America said.

The End

(Yay friendship!

Anyway, this book is now officially over

If you have any questions, I will do a Q&A, although I'm not really anticipating many questions. But, maybe I'll be surprised.

Anyway, thank you for reading!)

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