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Author's Note:

I mean, what should I even start with?

Thank you for everything?

Yes, I mean it from the deepest part of my heart. I started this story to take it nowhere, and it has reached 125K views and 6K votes already, till date? Please don't wake me up, even if it's just a dream.

I cannot thank you guys enough for coming here to read this story, voting and leaving comments. Even though I haven't replied to each and every comment on the chapters, I have read all of them and smiled all throughout the way. Well, I do hope I did justice to the characters, and I am so glad and grateful to have each and every one of my readers. I can say, I have cherished all the love this story has got without missing any of it.

Thank you so much for reading through with patience. I would love to give this epilogue as a gift to everyone. Hope you all enjoy it.

~ love
IG: poeticbin.me
Twitter: BorahaeMewGulf


Even fourteen years later, Mew can never stop wanting for 'more'. As the first hint of dawn would trace the sky, Mew's yearning for 'more' would increase like how the cosmos ages every second. Mew is in love with Gulf. But everything has changed about the love with time. He never finds himself deeply sated about the amount of love he can give to his partner.

Gulf, is now Mew's life partner since nine years.

Fourteen years were like fourteen milliseconds for Mew. They've passed within the blink of an eye. Everyday, he would question himself, "Have I loved Gulf enough yet?" Now, even though Gulf tells him that he feels loved and cherished enough, Mew would disagree.

Mew lays down on the bed, resting his head on his arms crossed over the pillow and smiles. Gulf is already awake, probably making breakfast because he can hear dishes clattering in the kitchen. Sundays like this are the best, he can spend time with Gulf and those two little cuties.


Mew turns his head towards the door and smiles brightly. He sits upright and picks up his giggling son in his arms, who was struggling to climb up the bed. He laughs at his son's cuteness and ruffles his hair gently. "What's up young man?" Mew coos gently and kisses his cheeks.

"Dad, Natty is being naughty again!" Alexander makes himself as small as possible in Mew's arms.

"Really? What did the little brat do?" Mew smiles and fixes Alexander's hair away from his forehead.

"Did you just call my daughter a brat?" Gulf enters, still wearing the kitchen apron.

"Good morning baby." Mew smiles brightly at Gulf.

"Keep it down Phi." Gulf flushes a light tinge of pink, and Mew can say that even after fourteen years of being together, he can still make his life partner shy. Mew has this sudden urge to kiss Gulf's cheeks, but he ignores it.

They have really come a long way.

"What were you both talking about our daughter?" Gulf walks over to the bed and pats Alexander's hair lovingly.

"We don't dare, right Alex?" Mew makes a scared face and laughs in light jest.

"Well even if she's a brat, you shouldn't whine about it. You spoil her a bit too much, husband." Gulf chuckles and raises an eyebrow at Mew, garnering a cocky smirk.

COURAGE/LIMITS (MewGulf) || Completed✓Where stories live. Discover now