8. The One With The Fake Name

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"I'm Gulf."


"Phi, I am sorry I lied to you. But I had reasons! Please forgive me Phi!"

"You had reasons to make a fool out of me, Earth?! Ohh wait, Gulf? How should I know that even this is not a fake one?! Huh?"

"Phi. I'm Gulf. Believe me. The reason why—"

"Don't show me your face again."




"Phi!" Gulf shouts and sits upright. He looks around himself. He's still in bed. He wipes the sweat off his forehead and remembers the conversation. Bad dream? Yes bad dream. Gulf picks up his phone from the table beside his bed and looks at the time. 9:30 a.m. Sunday. I'm really fooling P'Mew. He thinks and pulls at his hair with frustration. What should I do? Should I tell him? He opens his contacts and is deciding whether or not to call Mew, when it starts ringing. Shit. P'Mew. I should tell him the truth.

"Morning, Earth."

"Morning, P'Mew." Gulf smiles as soon as he hears Mew's voice.

It's been more than 2 weeks since they got to know each other in person. And two weeks since they got close. Two weeks since they realised, they might as well be soulmates, because of all the similarities in their thinking. Two weeks since they started with the promotional activities. Two weeks since Gulf got famous and each and every one in his college recognise him as Earth now. Two weeks since I have started fooling P'Mew with a fake identity. Gulf sighs.

"What's wrong?" Mew's voice brings Gulf back to paying attention to whatever Mew was saying.

"Nothing Phi. I just umm, I have something to tell you Phi." Gulf stammers.

"Before that, were you listening to whatever I was asking?" Mew asks.

"I'm sorry Phi I zoned out. What were you asking? Please say it again."

"Hmpf. Now I won't."

"C'mon Phi! You don't know what will happen then. I will worry and keep on wondering till my stomach would burst."

"Listen carefully, then."

"All ears, Phi."

"You won't ever make a fool outta me, will you?" Mew asks.

Fuck. I'm screwed. Gulf feels his bile rise up to his throat.

"Promise me, Nong Earth. You will be honest with me about everything." Mew says, sincerity lacing his voice.

"Yes." Gulf clears his throat, "Yes Phi. I promise." Fuck I am so screwed! Gulf you brought this upon yourself! How should I tell Phi the truth?

"Then, you already promised. Now, what were you going to tell me?"

My doom's day is today. "Nothing of importance, P'Mew. So, did you have breakfast?" I can't tell him now.

"Already. What about you?"

They talk for almost an hour, a sweet conversation. About cute little puppies and the stars lacing the sky during night. About beautiful mornings and scorching afternoons. After they hang up, Gulf decides that this situation he's in, doesn't have to be this way. A man with a mission, Gulf jumps out of the bed, grabs his towel and goes to take a shower.



"Gulf." Gulf's dad nods without looking up from his phone.

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