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Reality. Yes. It hit him hard on his chest, the pain constricting his heart, and despair magnifying the emptiness. Mew had cried in front of the mirror of his bathroom, trying to forget the one who had left him. Through the veil of tears, he stared at himself. He tried to blink off the tears, but they spilled violently out of his eyes, giving him a blurry version of himself. But the blurred image couldn't hide the fact that Mew was breaking down. Bit by bit, piece by piece, shattering down, feelings hurt, faith shaken, trust broken, courage weakened; Mew felt a plethora of emotions all at once. He felt his legs giving up on the last bit of strength he had left within him, and slumping down on the bathroom floor. Mew hid his face in the crook of his knees, and rocked himself gently, trying to get a grip on himself. You can do this, Mew. You won't die of a heartbreak. He tried to assure himself. But reality. Yes, reality. Reality of human nature, reality of being fooled this whole time, reality of the person whom he loved; all those were a clear picture to him. His courage had dared to break his heart. No. Mew thought. That thought amplified, and the first word he uttered after a few hours of silent hopelessness was, "No." And in that denial, Mew found himself being built again against the structure of determination. "No." He said again, a bit louder. Tears threatened to invade his eyes again, but Mew blinked rapidly. "No!" He shouted this time. And miraculously, he felt his urge to cry, fade away. His image wasn't blurry anymore. Mew found a steely resolve revolving around his eyes. No boyish smiles. No fucked up feelings again. No care for all those who fall for me. No charms. No love. No heartbreaks. He resolved. Mew splashed some cold water on his face and wiped it away. He exhaled loudly, and stepped out of the bathroom. Only cowards cry on the bathroom floor. He thought. And he wasn't a coward. He just had to channel his courage towards a direction, which would be safe for him. Yes, he would be unreachable, untouchable. He ought to be that way. A defensive measure against the world was all that he needed to survive peacefully.

Oh, how wrong he was!

COURAGE/LIMITS (MewGulf) || Completed✓Where stories live. Discover now