15. Blend your hues with mine

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(author's note: through this update, I have tried my best to convey the depths of the feelings that MewGulf feel for each other in this AU. This is not a major update. This update is solely focused on MewGulf and the development of their feelings. I hope you like it, and anticipate the next chapter. Please do vote if you like it. Also, your comments make my day. It gives me inspiration to write more and more. I love you all.)

Everything turns lilac for Mew as he opens his eyes to a sleeping Gulf. The darkness that loomed over Mew's heart, is now filled with a soft glow, that reminds Mew of the dawn. He can smell lavender in the air as a gentle breeze blows away some of Gulf's strands of hair from his forehead. It is like those romantic novels I read. Mew wonders what 'wonders' Gulf has played on him. Am I so much in love?

Honestly, Mew cannot deny it now. The door to his heart has been opened, and all the locks are broken. It's like his soul has assailed all those barriers away and he's bare and raw in front of Gulf. Right now, Gulf looks peaceful and serene like a baby in sleep. It heals Mew. He's falling so deep that he's losing count of the fathoms he's drowned. But he doesn't want to surface again. A thought strikes him. He smiles and takes his phone from the table beside the bed.

~Mew's Facebook update~

~Mew's Facebook update~

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and once he kissed him;
that particular hue
pink as a lily
painted on his blue
and his soul turned lilac

and once he kissed him;
that particular delicacy
was as sweet as a cherry
it swayed him softly
and his senses went havoc

and once he kissed him;
somewhere the ice melted
the water flooded his mind
he smiled as he dived in
never to surface again.

-© Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat

Mew hits 'post', closes his phone and turns to look at Gulf again. His eyes travel across the delicate features of his boyfriend's face. The soft velvet hair, the unmarked forehead, the long eyelashes fanning his cheeks, the bridge of his nose, the soft spotless cheeks, the lips- Mew rests his eyes on those lips that uttered a fervent prayer on his lips last night, those lips that spoke directly into his soul last night, those lips that uttered something beautiful, or something surreal last night. Maybe I can just run my thumb over those lips...? Mew gives in to the urge, and gently runs his thumb over Gulf's lower lip. Gulf stirs in his sleep. Mew immediately stops himself, lest he wakes up the sleeping Gulf. He wants to stare at him for a little longer. He wants to hold this moment forever, imprint it on his heart, and tattoo it to his senses. "I promise, I'll only have you." Mew utters under his breath, as if he wants to keep that promise to himself, lest it loses its meaning and spark. I should go buy him some soup and congee. He was so drunk yesterday. And suddenly a frown marks Mew's forehead. What if he doesn't remember last night? Tension immediately radiates off his body. I'm thinking too much. Mew tries to explain himself and gets up from the bed. He goes to the bathroom, washes up, brushes his teeth quickly, puts on his jeans and t-shirt and sets out. He runs back quickly, and writes down a note for Gulf, lest he wakes up before he returns with food. He rushes out quickly and locks the door from outside after a thought or two.

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