2. The boy next door

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Gulf yawns and kicks the blanket in irritation as the screeching sound of the alarm invades the quietness of the morning. He reaches out for his cellphone and groans, his eyelids still heavy with lingering slumber. He hits the off button and tries to sleep again. His head feels fuzzy, an aftereffect of all the drinking at his brother's bar. He should have listened to Mild, because today is Monday, and he has his first day at the most prestigious university in Thailand. Reluctantly, he opens his right eye and takes a look at the time. "Shit!" Gulf exclaims, but his eyelids wouldn't listen to him. "Just five more minutes then." He sighs and covers his face with the blanket. Right then, the roaring sound of a truck engine fills his room. Frustrated that he isn't going to be able to sleep anymore, he sits upright and swears at who knows what. His interest spikes when he hears a familiar voice of a man and his mother's laughter. He goes to his window and takes a peek to find his mother having a enchanted talk with someone. He cannot quite make out who the person is; all he can see is the person's toned back, and ripples of back muscles beneath the skinfit shirt. Gulf crinkles his eyes, trying to make out the uncanny resemblance with someone whom he knows. He stops in his tracks when he remembers that he's already an hour late. He grabs the towel and rushes into the bathroom.

Gulf gets ready in double quick time and hurries downstairs. "Ohh Gulf, you're here. Have your breakfast, sweetheart." His mother calls out from the kitchen.

"Good morning momma." Gulf goes to the kitchen, kisses his mom on the cheek and sits down at the table. "Mom, what is this?" He asks, picking up a box from the table. It is wrapped neatly, and makes a rattling sound.

"Oh, we have a new neighbour! Such a nice boy. He gave us this box of cookies." Gulf's mom, Earn, says.

"Ohh." Gulf replies and sets the box back on the table.

"He's such a lovely person. Very handsome. And oh, he's doing PhD in the same college as you, sweetheart." Earn places rice and omelette in front of Gulf.

"Thank you mom." Gulf says and picks up the spoon to dig in.

"Poor boy. His monetary condition isn't that good lately. He's looking for a part time job. But he looks like he's from a nice family. He seems pretty decent." Earn continues to say. "All I could see in his truck was books and books. And oh, a guitar."

Gulf freezes on his seat. The uncanny resemblance. His hunch might be.... correct?

"Well, it's great to have a good neighbor. Is he staying alone?" Gulf's dad enters, rolling the sleeves of his shirt.

"Oh honey, here's your breakfast. And yes, he's staying alone." Earn says. "His mother lives in the States. And his elder sister in France. Honey, shouldn't we take care of that boy? I feel so sad for him."

"Sure." Gulf's dad, Earth, says as he picks up a piece of the omelette and rice. "What's his name though?"

"Wait, what did he say his name was? Oh yeah, Mew." Earn says.

Gulf chokes on the omelette and the spoon from his hand falls down on his plate.

"Sweetie, are you okay? Why do you look so red? Do you need water?" Earn rushes towards the kitchen counter and fills a glass with water. She hurriedly rushes towards Gulf's side and pats his back as he coughs.

Gulf gulps down the water in one go and looks at Earn. "What did you say his name was?" He holds his breath and waits for his mother to say any other name but not that name.


Gulf feels his heartbeats flaring. Well, there are thousands of Mew in this world. Must be some other Mew. But...? Gulf cannot contain his curiosity as he hears himself saying, "And?"

"And?" Earn asks, raising an eyebrow at her younger son.

"Mew what?"

"Suppasit. Yeah that's what he said." Earn smiles.


"Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat." Gulf's brother enters the kitchen and pats his brother's shoulder.

"P'Golf! What did you just say?!" Gulf asks, reddening from ear to ear.

"Yes, that hotshot drummer at my bar." Golf smiles and looks at his brother questioningly.

Gulf feels like he will perish right at that moment. He never ever imagined, that the man who had piqued his interest, is now his neighbour. Shit, what if we run into each other? Will he recognise me? Does he even know that I exist? Does he even see me beyond the crowd of his fans? The last thought completely makes Gulf lose his appetite.

"That boy is into music?" Earn asks.

"Yes momma, he's like the God of drums. That lad is extremely talented! He's doing a PhD, but he still manages to play at my bar. He's also good at playing guitar, piano, and can sing like an angel." Golf says.

"Why did you say all that looking at me?" Gulf furrows his eyebrows and looks at his brother.

"Ahh, all I can see is you blushing at the mention of his name. And I always find you looking at him without blinking whenever he performs or talks with his fans." Golf smirks.

"Do you know Mew?" Earth asks Gulf.

"No I don't." Gulf gets up from the table, without making eye contact with his family.

"You blushing again." Golf teases his younger brother.

"Who's blushing?!" Gulf says and hurriedly leaves the kitchen, picks up his bag and bangs the door shut behind him.

"Your breakfast—" Earn tries to say, but Gulf has left already. "What a brat." She says as she places Gulf's half eaten omelette on her plate. "What was that about though?" She asks Golf.

"Well, I think my Nong has a crush on that lad." Golf says and winks.

"Wait, you are saying, that my son likes a boy?" Earth asks, surprised.

"Yes! Surprisingly."

"I thought he was into girls! Guess I don't know my son that well yet." Earth says, and goes back to eating.


Gulf runs with all his might. He has forgotten to take his bicycle along with him, but it's too late to go back. All the information that he got this morning was too much for him to process. Breathless, he sits down on his knees at the corner of the road. What the hell am I thinking? I have got to avoid him! Gulf thinks, when he hears the honk of a car beside him. He looks up at the black tinted mirror of the car as it slides down. His eyes widen as he hears the familiar voice of Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat saying, "Hey, are you okay? You seem unwell?"

Holy hell.

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