6. The Messiah

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The longing jumps out. In that first kiss, all those feelings inside Gulf's heart; he pours it all. This is the way he wants to speak. This is the way, he wants to let Mew know, where he belongs to. If Gulf doesn't believe in fate, then this situation is just a lie. And right now, the truth is on his lips, in his closed eyes, in their nose brushing against the other's, and in their breaths intermixed. Gulf memorizes each and every crook of Mew's lips directly through his soul. In a moment of passion flared, Gulf grabs Mew's firm chest, moving his hands upwards and upwards until he hooks them onto Mew's neck. As soon as he interlocks his fingers, he feels Mew's hands travel down his shoulders to his waist, as he pulls him closer until there is no space between them. He feels it too. Gulf's heart does a summersault, making him feel giddy, a feeling that he hasn't felt with anyone ever. He feels Mew deepening the kiss, and for the first time in minutes, he feels himself drowning into depths from where he can never come back. And the moment he decides to give in to this feeling and let himself get carried away, he feels Mew breaking the kiss, slowing down bit by bit. Why? Oh yes, this is fake anyway.

"Has the person seen us yet?" Gulf asks Mew softly.

"I think so. But he ain't leaving." Mew says, some unnamed emotion marking his face.

"Then, let's go find out Phi!" Gulf grabs Mew's hand and starts to pull him towards the parking.


"C'mon P'Mew. This Nong will protect you." Gulf smiles reassuringly and pulls Mew towards the parking.


"Wow. What a show." The shadow figure speaks.

Mew's steps falter as he hears that voice, but he feels the grip around him getting stronger. I can do this.

As they near the shadow figure, the face becomes clearer and clearer. Gulf  feels his heartbeats accelerate, as he sees the person in front of him. Tall, very fair, muscular, older, and well fit for Mew. Crap. Must be P'Mew's ex. Gulf feels a bitter taste in his mouth. There's something about the eyes of that person, which makes Gulf feel disgusted to his gut. He's drunk. Gulf looks at Mew, who's forehead glistens with sweat and stress lines can be seen on his forehead. This bastard is Phi's weakness. What did he do to him? I have to get back at this person. Gulf resolves, and stops walking when him and Mew are a feet or three apart from that person.

"Wow, you got a new bitch." The person speaks.

"H-hello P'Dan. How are you?" Mew says, his voice parched from anxiety.

"Woah, why so scared, Nong Mew? We know each other very well. In every way." Dan says, rubbing his thumb on his lower lip and suddenly he flicks his tongue on that lip.

Mew feels like he would faint. All those years of torturous experience comes flashing back to him. At this moment, he wants to run away. Earth, run away with me. He tugs at Gulf's hand, but Gulf holds his hand tightly.

"So, who are you?" Dan asks, looking at Gulf from top to bottom with scrutiny.

"I am Earth, P'Mew's junior." Gulf replies with a cold demeanor, as he looks at Dan with scrutiny. "And who are you to consider?"

"I'm Dan. The ex boyfriend." Dan says and smirks.

"I'm Earth, the BOYFRIEND." Gulf says and smirks back.

Mew looks at Gulf with astonishment. He is seeing a Gulf in a new light. Maybe he will protect me. Just this once.

"Wow Mew, didn't know you fucked young chicks." Dan says and clicks his tongue. "I thought you were into older men."

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