1. The drummer

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On cue, after the guitarist of Mew's band hits the strings of his guitar, Mew hits on the pedal of the bass, and it all starts. The bassist, the guitarist, and the drummer Mew, start weaving together an upbeat music. Among the loud hoots and claps from the audience, the backing music stops, and the vocal lead of Mew's band announces, "Give us a big round of applause, people! We are, 'Nebula', and our man of the show is the drummer aka the creator of this band aka our handsome Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat!" Mew joins his hands and nods, passing an alluring smile towards the audience, making all the ladies in the bar scream at the top of their lungs. "Now now, this fine man is still single so let me pass him to the lady with the pretty smile!" The lead singer New winks and looks at Mew, and immediately regrets his statement when he gets a sarcastic glare from his friend. "Okay ladies calm down and give a big round of applause for our bassist....." New continues with the introduction, but Mew spaces out. He hates when he gets too much attention, but he has to get used to it. After all, his love for music is what makes him keep going. Being the leader of a band wasn't that bad for Mew, but he hates when his so called fans throw themselves all over him, offer him drinks, touch him, and try to get his attention. As if! Mew scoffs. But then it's music that gives him pleasure. Music gives him the peace that one attains after Nirvana. Forming 'Nebula' was a tough task and playing in different bars across Bangkok is hectic. Then there's these clingy and touchy fans of his who make him uncomfortable. It's just a pretty face and a well maintained body. They'll run away if they have a correct idea about me. He thinks.

"So beautiful people, give us a big round of applause for the first song we are going to play tonight!" New's booming voice and the cheering of the crowd brings back Mew sharply from his thoughts. Get a grip on yourself, Suppasit. Mew shakes his head, signals the guitarist and nods at New. Tonight is going to be so much fun. And Mew hits the drums.

It starts with a slow tempo, and the song gains pace gradually. With each swift movement of his hands, Mew finds himself losing his all to the instrument in front of him. His expression darkens with each hit on the instrument. His full lips pull up into a smile, that's so foreign, yet so alluring. His eyes dart swiftly from the drums to the crowd swaying to the rhythm he is creating. Immense pleasure spikes through his veins, giving him goosebumps and he can feel his heartbeats racing like crazy. Amongst the 'want' he starts to feel deep in his gut, Mew finds himself drowning into the deepest senses of pleasure. Fuck, I am hard. Mew closes his eyes for a moment and feels the sweet ache underneath the zipper of his ripped jeans. The song has almost reached it's end, and it is time for the drummer to show off his skills. "Go Mew!" He hears and the monster inside him jumps out. Right now, I am the God. I'm the God of drums. Mew feels ecstatic as he unleashes the beast inside him. With each hit, he finds the sweet ache almost unbearable as his hard-on presses against the zipper. With the increase in the tempo and with the increase in the swiftness of his hands hitting the snare, the cymbals, the toms, he finds himself building up like never before. He thanks the drum set for hiding his bulge behind it from the crowd. With the last hit of his drum sticks, Mew finds his release, violently racking through his body. Luckily, the quivers of his body gets covered up because of his swift movements. Fuck, I came. I came so hard. Mew closes his eyes, and savours the afterglow of his orgasm. Sweat beads shimmering on his revealed chest, glistening eyes, and disheveled hair makes him look like a snack and Mew is well aware of it. "Give a big round of applause for our God of drums!" New says and the crowd breaks into a mega decibel level of screaming and hooting. Mew opens his eyes, and smiles more at himself than at the crowd. He has more songs to perform, and more pleasure to gain tonight.

In the farthest corner of the bar, Gulf and his friends are enjoying a drink after graduating. It's time to choose their majors, and hit some nice university. But right now, Gulf feels he's in some concert. "So Gulf, what do you think about that God of drums?" Gulf's best friend, Mild asks him. "The drummer? Oh, he's good." Gulf says. "I'm gonna get some more to drink. Do you guys wanna join?" He asks. "No, you go. You drink like a beast!" Mild shakes his head. Gulf raises his eyebrows and smiles. He heads towards the counter, spotting Nebula's drummer surrounded by his fans. Hot. He had wanted to say. I think he's hot. That's what Gulf had wanted to say.

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