17. The Fairytale Prom Part 2

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A gentle breeze blows, surrounding Mew and Gulf, creating an invisible aura of a deep emotion around them. Everything's quiet for a moment. The air around them is heavy with some unguarded emotion, and even Mild can feel it. I should just leave these love birds to themselves. Mild thinks and starts to go away, when he's suddenly stopped by a grip on his wrist.

"Wait." Mew says.

"Anything else I can help you with, P'Mew?" Mild smiles, as he gets a confused stare from Gulf.

"Thank you for helping me out, Mild." Mew says and smiles sincerely at Mild. He looks at Gulf and laughs when he sees him looking at Mild and then at him. "Don't go just yet. Stay here as a witness, what say?" Mew pats Mild's shoulder.

"Okay P'Mew. I want to know Gulf's reaction!" Mild says. "You may proceed to kiss the bride." Mild laughs.

Gulf stands there, still as statue, not being able to process what's happening. He is sure, Mew planned all this and he had asked Mild to help him. The proposal. Gulf looks at the crumpled note in his hand. He looks around at the café. He looks at Mew and then thinks about what Mild just said. A certain burst of emotions claim his heart. He wants to cry. This is too surreal to be true. Be my prom date. These four words hold so much promise. So much more. Such a beautiful proposal. Gulf cannot hold back his tears anymore. A drop trickles down his cheek, then two and then more. "You may proceed to kiss the bride." Mild's words create a tremble in his still heart. Gulf hides his face in his hands and starts to cry softly.

"Why do you have to cry? Please don't cry." Mew says, and wipes a stray stream of tear from Gulf's face.

Gulf wipes away his nose with the back of his hand, and looks at Mew. "Well, is this just asking me to be your prom date, or a marriage proposal?" Gulf laughs through his tears.

"This is our near future. A marriage proposal would be far better." Mew smiles.

"Yes." Gulf says after a pause. "I'll be your prom date."

Mew's eyes twinkle with love. He sweeps Gulf off his feet and twirls him around. "I'm so happy!" Mew says, putting down a giggling Gulf back on his feet.

 "I'm so happy!" Mew says, putting down a giggling Gulf back on his feet

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"This is the happiest moment in my whole life, Phi." Gulf says, his arms hooked around Mew's shoulders.

"Same for me, Nong Gulf." Mew says softly.

"Uhh, I should run." Mild says. These two just make me flustered. He shakes his head.

"Thank you, Nong Mild. Did Gulf trouble you in the way?" Mew asks mockingly.

"Phi!" Gulf hits Mew's arm gently.

"Well, it's nothing. I'm happy for both of you." Mild holds up his thumb. "I gotta go now. My date just messaged me."

"Yes, Good luck with your date." Mew says and waves at Mild.

"When did you plan all this, Phi?" Gulf asks, taking a seat.

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