18. Blue Flame (Finale)

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Hello my beautiful readers! I'm back after a month with an update! And it's the last chapter of this story. I've missed writing so much. Also, MewGulf being MewGulf  in every live show is so refreshing. I love them so much, it hurts. By the way, this chapter is smol. I wanted to give a justified end to this story, so I hope you all like it. Please vote and comment if you think it's worth the read. I hope you all are doing good and being safe in this tricky situation. Love you all!

"P'Mew!" Gulf's voice startles Mew. He hurriedly grabs a packet lying on the desk in front of him and hides it behind his back. He looks at anywhere but Gulf. Shit, did he see it? Mew spares a glance at his boyfriend, who's narrowing his eyes at him. Mew mouths a quiet 'what?' at Gulf, which makes the latter narrow his eyes even more.

"What did you hide, Phi?" Gulf asks, resting his fists on the either side of his waist.

"Absolutely nothing." Mew says, trying to keep a sincere face.

"Phi is lying." Gulf says. "Nong is like a lie detector, Phi. You better show me what you just hid."

"I didn't hide anything." Mew says, his voice squeaky with panic.

"Ouh, I saw a packet." Gulf rubs his chin. A sudden thought crosses his mind and he raises his eyebrows. "Phi, is it.....that thing?"

"What thing?" Mew asks, not knowing what Gulf is talking about.

"Is it a....a packet of..." Gulf stammers, "are you feeling horny, Phi?" Gulf flushes a shade of pink.

"Hah?" Mew widens his eyes, bewildered.

"Is it.....a packet of condoms?" Gulf scrunches his eyes shut. And then it starts.

Mew bursts into a fit of laughter. He throws his head back and laughs like there's no tomorrow. The laughter subsides after a minute or two, and Mew bites his lower lip to control himself. He stares at the embarrassed face of his boyfriend and breaks into a hysterical laughter again. "Sorry....I.... just..... can't", Mew says between giggles.

"Phi, don't laugh at me." Gulf says in a low, embarrassed voice.

"Sorry." Mew tries to maintain a straight face, failing miserably. "You are so cute." Mew says, finally getting a hold on himself.

"Cute or not, show me what you are hiding." Gulf presses his lips into a thin line.


"Phi, you want me to switch on my John Cena mode?" Gulf smirks.

"John Cena mode?"

"Oh just you wait!" And Gulf leaps on Mew. He starts to wrestle that thing out of Mew's hand, and as the grip loosens, Gulf swiftly and efficiently gets a hold of the thing that's piqued his interest.

"Please no-"

"Ahaha! I'm sure this thing is something hideous and you are embarrassed-" Gulf looks at the thing in his hand, and now, it's his turn to burst into a ungraceful laughter. "Milk candy? Seriously Phi? You were hiding a packet of milk candy?" Gulf falls down on the floor and lays down on his back, as his whole body shakes. He keeps on laughing for almost a minute amidst Mew's futile pleas for him to stop laughing. "What are you Phi? You are the cute one." He shakes his head. A sudden thought crosses Gulf's mind again, and his laughter subsides within a fraction of second. Standing upright in a fraction of that fraction of second, he narrows his eyes again. "Phi, were you going to eat milk candy all by yourself?"

Mew rubs the back of his head. "You like them too?"

"Hell yes!" Gulf says, holding up the packet of milk candy. "Are you not going to share? Half of these are mine." Gulf says with authority.

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