4. The Unexpected Date Part I

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Oh! Mew, you are finally here." Deen smiles at Mew and nods at him to come inside the classroom. As soon as Mew enters the classroom, the quietness of the class gets filled with oh's and gasps. "Quiet!" Deen rebukes his students, and the chatter dies down. "Students, this is your senior, Mew Suppasit."

"Hello." Mew says, and joins his hands. As soon as he smiles, the classroom fills with oh's and gasps again.

Mild looks at Gulf, and says, "Hey, your P'Mew is so hot." Gulf glares at Mild. He doesn't want to be teased at this very moment. "He's not mine." Gulf tries to lace his voice with sarcasm, but it sounds as if he's upset about it. "Hey hey, why so sad? You'll get him." Mild says. "Asshole." Gulf replies. "Why are you so stingy? Hmph, don't worry bro, you always get what you want." Mild says and pats Gulf's shoulder. "Mind your own business!" Gulf hits at Mild's head gently. "Owhh! Okay okay I will stop. P'Mew should know you ogle at him daily while he's oblivious of it. Okay I will stop. Calm down." Mild puts his index finger on his lips.

"Quiet! Our Mew is a man with a mission right now." Deen smiles at Mew, who beams at him. "Mew, tell us what you've got."

"Yes, sir." Mew bows down swiftly at Deen, and turns towards his juniors. "So, our department is conducting a trip to Kanchanaburi. It will be great if the freshers join us seniors. If you people agree, then I would continue. Would you all like to go to Kanchanaburi?" Mew asks, and looks expectantly at his juniors, when his eyes fall on Gulf. Mew passes a small smile at Gulf, who immediately looks down at his knotted fingers. Mild passes Gulf a suspicious look, and looks back at Mew. Something's brewing, mhm.

"P'Mew, would you be there too?" A girl asks.

"Of course." Mew smiles. "I'm conducting the tour."

"We'll go!" The class answers in unison.

"Well, Mew, you are going, the others will definitely tag along!" Deen laughs.

"I'm honoured, sir. So, any of you who would like to volunteer?" Mew asks.

"My friend here, would 'love' to volunteer."

Everyone turns and looks at the person who's just spoken. Gulf looks at his left at Mild, and then at Mild's hand holding up his hand high and straight. Fuck you, Mild. "Hey!" Gulf nudges his elbow sharply at Mild. "I'm not going to volunteer." He whispers.

"C'mon Gulf, it's your chance to hangout with your crush the whole day!" Mild whispers back.

"Not even a fucking chance for me to-" Gulf is suddenly interrupted by Mew's voice, loud and clear:

"Oh, nice! Sir, I know him already. I think he would be of great help." Mew says, and turns towards Gulf's direction. "So, Earth, let's go. We need to start with the work as early as possible."

Everyone stares at Gulf. The person who stares at him sharply, is Mild. "I know him already"?? "When were you gonna tell me about this, Gulf? And since when are you 'Earth'?" Gulf blushes beet red. He doesn't know what to say. He looks at Mew, who is looking at him with an amused expression. Shit.

"Well, it's good. The lad is good, but I think you have the wrong impression. His nam-" Deen is cut short by Mew.

"Wrong impression? Oh no, sir. I think he would be really helpful." Looking at Gulf, he asks, "Earth, are you ready?"

For anything. Gulf wanted to say, but he couldn't feel his legs. Mild sighs and drags his friend out of his chair. He pushes Gulf towards the direction Mew is standing and says, "I'm sorry. Heheh. My friend 'Earth' here is a bit nervous." Mild stresses on the word Earth. "P'Mew, he's all yours... I mean, you can take him... I mean he'll work hard." He turns his back towards Mew, and hits his mouth with his hand repeatedly, clearly frustrated at himself.

"Go with him. Help him as much as you can." Deen frowns at Gulf, but lets it pass. Gulf bows down at Deen, and nods at Mew. Mew passes a warm smile at Gulf, and they both leave the classroom, with Mew just a feet or two behind Gulf.

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