13. Crossroad

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Apalled at the situation, Mew's heartbeats accelerate as he doesn't feel right about this. Something's happened to Gulf. He keeps on thinking. There's a ringing alarm inside his head, a growing blackness inside his heart as fear takes over his senses.

"New, let's hurry up." Mew says as soon as he spots him. New nods and they both start running towards the last raft.

They reach the last raft, breathless and their legs on the verge of giving up on them. "Where the fuck is Gulf?" New says and looks at Mew, clueless. Mew dials Gulf's number, and swears in frustration as he hears, "The number you have dialed, is on another call. Please try again later." Mew sits on his knees, totally helpless about the situation, when he hears sirens of police jeeps. Mew looks at his best friend, who looks at him with the same expression. Two police jeeps pull up 40 meters away in front of them at the godown. "Is he in there?!" New asks Mew who mouths a 'what the fuck'. They start to go there, when Mild gets down hastily from the jeep along with some policemen.

"Mild?! What the fuck is happening?!" Mew runs over to Mild and grabs his shoulder.

"Where the hell were you, Phi!? Gulf's in danger! He's with Dan in the godown!" Mild says and shows Mew his phone.

Mew sees who's on call. It's Gulf. Mew feels his world falling apart. I have to get there. I have to save Gulf. Mew runs towards the godown with the police behind him. He pushes the door but it's locked from inside. Shit. Mew hits on the door frantically with his shoulder with the aim to break it down, tears streaming down his face.

"Let us do that." One of the policemen says and he nods at his team. New rushes to Mew's side and holds onto him. "Shh, everything will be alright." He tries to pacify Mew.

The door breaks open, and Mew's worst nightmare is in front of him.

Gulf in a pool of blood, and Dan who has done this to Gulf.

"P'Dan!?" Mew shouts.

"Hey stop!" The policemen barge in and hold Dan down.

"I'll kill you! Let me go!" Dan struggles.

"Holy fuck." New exclaims as he runs behind Mew.

Mew falls on his knees in front of Gulf, and he touches Gulf's face. He gasps and starts crying as he finds blood on his hands.

"Gulf?" He manages to say.

"Phi...." Gulf says, writhing in pain. "Save...me..." Gulf mumbles as he coughs out blood.

"I'm here." Mew says. He turns towards Mild and asks him to take care of Gulf for a moment. Mew wipes his tears with the back of his hand and goes to where Dan is, his hands handcuffed.

"What the fuck have you done, P'Dan!?" Mew shouts as he signals the police to give him and Dan a moment.

"I will kill that boy. He's changed you!" Dan says and shakes in anger.

"That's none of your business!" Mew thunders.

"How come it's not my business?! How can you smile when you're with him, and not when you were with me?! How can you love him and not me?!" Dan says.

"Gulf answered this question himself, that day." Mew says.

"I don't give a fuck if that boy lives or dies right now. But if I get a chance again, I will definitely get back at him." Dan smirks.

Mew, infuriated, almost kicks Dan, but New stops him. "Dream on, P'Dan. Because you are going to rot in jail for a long time!" New says and holds onto a crying Mew.

"Haha." Dan chuckles. "Nice friend you got there, Mew." Dan says, grabbing Mew's attention. "Have you actually known, that your so called best friend is the mastermind behind this plan?" Dan smirks.

COURAGE/LIMITS (MewGulf) || Completed✓Where stories live. Discover now