14. Bruises

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The days don't pass. Any day doesn't pass for Mew. The days seem lonely, and nightmares invade the night. Images of Gulf lying in a pool of blood and Dan standing with a rod in his hand, smirking would cloud his mind everytime he would close his eyes. Thrice in a week, he had to stop himself from going over to Gulf's place and have Gulf to himself for the rest of his life. But he has already chosen his path. A path that doesn't decussate with Gulf's. Besides, Gulf wouldn't accept him anymore. Gulf's words you have acted like a fucking coward still ring havoc in Mew's mind.

Like everyday, today is same for Mew. He works like a robot. Waking up, crying under the shower, making some coffee, listening to melancholic music, playing depressing tunes on guitar, studying, eating something if he feels like it, scrolling through his and Gulf's pics in his phone, and crying again. He doesn't talk to anyone, not even New, he's stopped playing at Golf's bar. He lives like a lifeless person; a person devoid of liveliness. But to break the routine, today, the doorbell rings.

The person behind the closed door rings once, then twice and then it seems like the person has become impatient. Mew sighs in frustration, as he gets up from the floor, and opens the door.


"Nice thing you remember me. Can I come in?" Golf asks.

"Sure." Mew says. Golf enters and goes to sit on the sofa.

"You still are a clean freak." Golf says, pointing around at the well furnished and tidied up hall. Something about Golf's expression changes, and he points a finger at Mew. "You look mighty fine. No sign of struggle around your eyes."

Mew sighs and takes a seat in front of Golf. "Appearances can be deceptive." He says.

"Sure." Golf rubs the soft cloth of the sofa and then looks at Mew accusingly. "You still manage to look fine, unlike my little brother."

Thousands of emotions flit across Mew's face. He swallows the aching lump in his throat, and asks with difficulty, "How is he?"

"If you care about him that much, why don't you go on check on him yourself?!" Golf hisses, but shakes away his anger when he sees Mew's expression. "How do you think he is?" He says in a softer tone this time. "Of course he's hurting." Golf takes a pause. "He's hurting just like you."

Mew looks at Golf. I can't break down right now. He's Gulf's brother before he's my friend. Mew swallows again and says, "What brings you here, Golf?"

"Literally Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat, the mind of brilliance and sensibility? I'm here for my brother's sake. And also, I am here for your sake. I'm here for both of you." Golf says. "I'm here to beg you to change your mind." Golf says, his voice laced with heavy emotion.

"I already broke up with him."

"It takes just one word from you to get 'your' Gulf back to you." Golf argues.

"But he won't want me back."

"What do you mean?" Golf asks.

"Because I am a fucking coward! I lost my chance to be with him. I can't be with him." Mew says and looks down at his knotted fingers. I cannot cry. I won't cry.

"Do you know Mew, forgiveness runs in my family's blood." Golf tries to explain.

"I don't deserve forgiveness."

"Oh for fuck's sake, move on from self deprecation! Someone like you cannot think so low about yourself! Everyone deserves forgiveness." Golf says.

"I cannot put Gulf's safety at stake again." Mew says, looking up at Golf.

"Okay. I get it. You are concerned about Gulf. But bro, don't you try to act like you're selfless." Golf says. "I'm sorry, my words might seem harsh, but before you asked him to stay apart, you should have thought about him. You should have thought about his feelings. You should have known, that he cares for you too. Goddammit he loves you." Golf sighs in frustration. "If you think you are selfless, then get back with him now. I will acknowledge you as a selfless, brave hero then." Golf pleads.

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