9. "He's a brat, but I can babysit him for life."

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I'm actually going to babysit some brat. Mew lets out a sigh and looks at his room. "All for you." He says and shakes his head. He needs encouragement. And Earth is the best person to give him some of that.

"Nong Earth."

"What's wrong P'Mew?"

"I need encouragement. Encourage me please."

"What for?"

"I have to babysit some brat. How will I survive?" Mew whines.

"Phi, do you know you sound like a baby right now?"

"I'm a baby! I'm just 19!" Mew says and pouts.

"Twenty nine, Phi. Whom do you have to babysit though?"

"Well you know my friend Golf, don't you?"


"He has a little bro named Gulf. Golf asked me to tutor him. Heard that he's a brat. Damn, I can't handle brats." Mew says and slumps down on his bed.

Gulf freezes at his spot. The phone falls down from his hand. Dammit P'Golf! What the fuck is this?!

"Hello? Earth? You there?" Gulf hears the faint voice of Mew coming out from his phone. Gulf hurriedly picks up the phone from the bed. "Phi, mom is calling me for some work. I have to go. I will talk to you later then!" He says and hangs up. 

Mew looks at his phone screen and frowns. "Hoiiiiiiii! Today is not my day." Mew kicks the blanket and looks at the time. He panicks as he finds out that he's got only an hour. I just needed some encouragement. Never mind. He thinks and rushes to the bathroom.


Gulf rushes downstairs to confront his brother. He fumes with anger, ready to empty a bucketful of water on his brother if he can. "P'Golf? P'Golf!" He shouts as he enters the living room.

"Whoa whoa lil bro, whassup?"

"When were you gonna tell me that P'Mew is going to tutor me? And what subject?! And ohhh God he's going to know my identity! Damn you, big bro!"

"Calm down, calm down. Let's go talk in your room, shall we?" Golf says.

Gulf stomps towards his room with Golf tailing behind him. "Now cut the crap, Phi!"

"Look my dear Nong, I think it's the best time to tell him the truth."

"But, but, he's going to hate me!"

"Well, do you know human nature? One cannot hate someone that easily, when they love that someone." Golf explains.

"But he asked me not to fool him."

"Then this is a chance for you to explain and apologize. Gulf, you can do this." Golf pats his shoulder.

"But you should have told me about this beforehand." The fight is out of Gulf's voice.

"Nong, you would have freaked out and asked me to refuse Mew to tutor you." Golf looks at his watch and says, "He's going to be here within 15 minutes. I would let you get dressed then."

"What?!" Gulf panicks, but Golf has left the room by then. Dammit P'Golf.


The doorbell rings exactly after 15 minutes. Gulf finds himself hyperventilating. Calm down. Calm down. He tries to tell himself, but that word seems to be off his dictionary right now. Better face it today than later. Gulf sucks in some air and goes downstairs.

COURAGE/LIMITS (MewGulf) || Completed✓Where stories live. Discover now