16. Love with hatred on the side

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He was tiny and thin. He had a smile on his lips that he carried around for about the whole day, until he gave in to slumber. His eyes gleamed of innocence. After all, he was a five year old kid. New lived in his own world, oblivious of the chaos going around him. He lived in a joint family of ten people. He was the only child in his family, and that too an unwanted, unloved child. But New was too oblivious and too young to notice anything.

New's mother got pregnant with New at the age of twenty. His dad, who was twenty five back then, and mom had to marry hastily against the wishes of their families. After eight months of their turbulent marriage, New was born to them. They hoped the child would end all the dispute and bridge the gaps between their families. But no one actually cared for that child. They behaved as if everything was that child's fault. But the child was oblivious of all the mess it had created. New didn't know, that everything was going to fall apart.

A few days after New was born, the company that his father owned, started to incur heavy losses. It wasn't a big company, but it was enough for them to live a comfortable life. When the company started flailing, the others stamped on that little innocent infant as a 'bad omen', 'sinister' and 'inauspicious'. New's parents had to sell their car and then their apartment. They shifted to New's uncle's house. But it was a distressful living. Living under constant fear of being kicked out, and then they couldn't afford food or clothes for themselves. New's dad tried to start afresh, and he invested all his savings for a new company. But he failed.

New made a sand castle that day. He had no clue why everyone was upset in that house, but he was making some merry, playing with little snails that crawled around. He was so immersed into what he was doing, that he didn't notice his dad stomping out of the house. New didn't even notice when his dad came back, clutching onto something tightly. He didn't notice anything until he heard loud voices from the house. New didn't know what those sounds meant, but he could sense that something was wrong. A wave rushed into the shore, making the little New stumble. He giggled, the sea getting back his attention again.

The deafening sound of sirens marred the musicality of the surroundings, overpowering the sound of the waves. That grabbed the little boy's attention. He looked towards the house. Police jeeps! New was excited. He always had a fantasy to join the police. The jeeps and the sirens fascinated him. New left the half built sand castle to erode away with the waves and ran towards the direction of the jeeps. As soon as he reached, New's aunt took a look at him and said with an insulting tone, "You son of a dick! You ruined everything! Look what your parents have done! Y'all won't let us live in peace! There's police for the first time in our house because of you!" She started crying. Her husband wrapped her in his arms and looked at New with hatred in his eyes. "This sinister child won't let anyone live in peace!"

New couldn't understand a thing. He was confused. Why were they crying? A policeman walked towards him, and said softly, "Are you okay, my child?"

"I want to go to momma." New looked up at the policeman and smiled.

"Your momma went for shopping with your dad. They'll return soon." The policeman said, choking on his own voice.

New smiled. The innocent child had no idea, that his parents, who had committed suicide, had left him alone forever. The innocent child didn't know, he would never have something to call as his 'home'. He didn't know, that no one in his so called family would adopt or accept a sinister child like him.

New was in and out of foster homes since then. No one really wanted to keep him for long, because they were afraid, the boy would bring bad luck to them. When New was grown enough to understand what was going on, he was devastated. He got to know everything about his past. He started hating himself. And more than that, he hated the world. He hated to breathe in the same air as others did. He hated everyone with his guts. He hated his schoolmates. He hated his parents. They left me. Selfish people. New used to think. He would pick up a fight with anyone who would just accidentally bump into him, or he would pick up a fight with just anyone. Self defence. New called it.

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