17. The Fairytale Prom Part 1

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It's almost the end of the first semester. Carefree days have been put to a halt, as exams knock at the door. It seems as if the college campus has been awashed with sincerity, seriousness and the chatters have been cut out. Each and every student have immersed themselves in books. The library thrives the best, with crowds of students either studying, or issuing books. The whole atmosphere of the college gives off a different vibe.

In a corner of the central garden, Mew lays down, his head resting on Gulf's lap. Gulf smiles down at Mew, playing with a strand of Mew's hair. "We should go back to studying, P'Mew." Gulf says, tracing his index finger on Mew's perfect eyebrows.

"We will. I just need a break." Mew says and nuzzles Gulf's belly. "We've been studying since the morning."

"Are you tired?" Gulf asks, tracing his index finger on the bridge of Mew's nose.

"A little bit." Mew says and closes his eyes.

Gulf smiles fondly at him. "Then you don't have to work so hard." Gulf says, and as soon as he goes on to trace Mew's lips, Mew grabs his hand immediately.

"Then, how would I earn money, Nong?" Mew asks, kissing Gulf's knuckles.

"Well, there's P'Golf's bar and you don't have to go around and tutor random people." Gulf says.

"Then what should I do?" Mew smiles at Gulf.

"Tutor me and me only. I don't want to fail in English." Gulf pouts.

"I thought Golf made it up?"

"No it's actually true." Gulf says and throws a silent prayer for Mew to believe the lie.

"Okay okay. I will tutor you." Mew says and pokes Gulf's belly. "You are such a bad liar. Just say that you want to help me. Such a great boyfriend."

"Why? I cannot?" Gulf asks, frowning.

"It's not like that." Mew says, softly smiling at Gulf. "I'm afraid you'll get tired of being the 'giver' always. I do nothing for you."

"Ouhh why would you think like that?" Gulf frowns again.

"Leave it. Let's study." Mew says and takes a look at Gulf's worksheet. "You will definitely top the university with that brain of yours." He asserts proudly.

"Well, the wifey has to be smart enough for the husband." Gulf grins.

"Mhm." Mew rubs his chin, sits upright and then swats Gulf's arm playfully. "Now, let's get back to good old mathematics." He takes his own worksheet and focuses on a question.

Gulf looks at the focused Mew, and thinks about what Mew just said. I don't know why you still think that I am the giver in this relationship, when it's the other way round. Gulf sighs and decides to focus on his worksheet for now.


The days pass quickly, and it's the last day of the exams. Veritable emotions can be seen across the faces of the students. Some of them are from satisfaction, some from happiness that the exams are going to be over, and some from anxiety. In a classroom, Gulf finishes writing the last sentence, puts his pen down and looks at Mild who's sitting at the farthest corner. After the last minute scribbling, Mild puts his pen down and raises his head to look at Gulf. Gulf smiles, but it feels like Mild is going through anxiety. It makes Gulf almost giggle.

"Time's up!" The invigilator says as the bell rings. Gulf gets up from his seat and waits for Mild at the door.

"I'm so screwed, I will definitely fail in English." Mild whines as soon as they're out of their department building.

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