17. The Fairytale Prom Part 3

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Side story:

A certain feeling keeps on nagging New at the back of his head. Something doesn't feel right. Something seems off about the deal he made with Golf. Why did Golf ask me to take him to the prom all of a sudden? He keeps on wondering, but sighs in frustration. It's almost 6:30 in the evening, and it's time for him and Golf to hit the mall. New puts on his Rolex, the only expensive possession, and fixes his collar. Golf should be here any minute. As on cue, there's a honk from outside his window. New takes a peek at Golf who's waiting by the car door, takes a deep breath and heads out of his condo.

"Hey." Golf greets as New nods at him. "Ready to spend some money?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"The hell yes." New says and sits inside the car. Golf starts the engine, and looks at New expectantly.

"What?" New scowls.

"Aren't you going to put on the seatbelt? Or I have to harness you with it?" Golf narrows his eyes at New.

"Okay jeez, I can do that myself." New says and rolls his eyes. He puts on the seatbelt and asks, "Happy now?"

"Very." Golf says with a twinkle in his eyes. "Let's go." Golf says and they start towards the mall.

New looks outside the window. "Happy now?" He recalls the conversation he had with Golf just a few seconds ago. "Very." New keeps on replaying this one word inside his head. "Very." Each time he thinks about the word, it amplifies. It gets louder and louder, till his head hurts. Deep down, somewhere in the back of his mind, New knows Golf wasn't just happy about the seatbelt. New doesn't know anything. What can it be?

"Since when did you decide to cut the chatter?" Golf says, looking sideways at New. "Don't go back to your old self."

"I'm not." New replies curtly.

"Dude, you are zoning out on me." Golf scoffs.

"I'm not. You cut the chatter."

"C'mon, cheer up. This is the first step of the plan, ain't it? We're in this together." Golf winks at New.

Only if you knew. "Okay, okay. Eyes on the road. What a bother." New clicks his tongue and looks out of the window. After about five more minutes of driving, Golf pulls up outside the shopping mall. "Hey! This is expensive. I don't want to buy a suit from here." New says. "But if you want to buy from here, then go ahead. I will just wait by your car."

"C'mon New." Golf hands over his car keys to the valet. "Consider it's on me. Wait, don't say anything yet." Golf says as soon as New opens his mouth to protest. "You can pay me back later. Installments would do too." Golf smiles at New.

"You are such a cheater. Okay, I will just consider this as you said. Damn, I don't want to be indebted to you. I hate it." I hate you. New rolls his eyes.

"Well, won't you ask me how you would pay me back?" Golf raises his eyebrows.

"Huh? I would pay you back using money?" New scowls.

"Damn. You would pay back to your boyfriend with money? You aren't romantic at all." Golf twists his lips into a grimace.

"Asshole! Who's your boyfriend?!"

"Ouhh, consider this as a part of the plan. You need to get used to this. From today onwards, till our plan succeeds, treat me as your boyfie. What say?" Golf says and smiles broadly. "Might help accomplish the task."

New looks at Golf, as if it's too much to process what he just heard. Golf might as well be correct. "I will consider this as a practice?" New says without eye contact with Golf. "What a prick. What should I do? Should I hold your hand and flutter my eyelashes at you?"

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