10. The Sweet Confession

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"Kanchanaburi, you say?"


"Are they going together?"


"For how many days?"


"Okay. You'll get your money." Dan smirks and cuts the call. It's time for him to come to the scene.


It's the day to leave for Kanchanaburi. Gulf wakes up earlier than usual. The sun has just risen, filling Gulf's room with a soft yellow glow. Gulf opens the door to his balcony and stands by the railing. Birds chirp, a sweet breeze blows his hair off his face leaving a gentle touch on his cheeks. He closes his eyes and exhales, feeling the morning vibes cocooning him in its arms.

Mew takes a sip of his coffee and opens the blinds of his room. The morning light is alluring. He opens the door to his balcony softly, trying not to disturb the serenity of the morning. And his eyes fall on Gulf.

He looks so peaceful and happy. Mew cannot take his eyes off his lover. Right, they are still just lovers. Can I take this courage? Should I ask him to be my boyfriend in these three days, when it would just be the two of us in a room in the raft? Or is it too rushed up? Should I wait? What should I do? A lot of thoughts pass Mew's mind. But right now, he wants to look at his lover and capture this moment. He takes out his phone, and snaps three or five pictures of Gulf. Gulf hasn't noticed Mew yet. He's lost in some happy moment. Mew smiles, snaps another picture and puts his phone in his pocket. He takes the support of the railing and stares at each detailing on Gulf's face. Perfect. He thinks.

"Between the alluring hues of nature, and the perfect you, what should I look at, Gulf?" Mew says, breaking the silence.

Gulf looks at Mew and smiles. "Did you swallow a truckload of cheese, P'Mew?"

"No. I just drank in your features." Mew tries to say with a straight face, but fails miserably.

"Stop it Phi. Don't make me cringe." Gulf laughs and looks at the sky.

"I won't stop until I get a morning kiss." Mew tries to hide his amusement but pouts.

"Why are you being like this Phi?" Gulf asks, smiling fondly.

"I will have you to myself for three days, what do you expect? I'm happy." Mew smiles his 'patented-for-Gulf' megawatt smile.

"Go get ready, P'Mew. The tour guide cannot be late himself."

"Stop calling me tour guide!"

"Okay, manager sir." Gulf teases Mew again.

"Okay okay, tease me all you can." Mew goes to stand closer to where Gulf is standing. "I will get back at you for this. You don't know me well, Nong Gulf." Mew raises one eyebrow and smirks.

"I'll go get ready." Gulf gives Mew a mock 'lubricious-eyes' look, flutters his eyelashes and runs inside. Mew cannot help but laugh at the cuteness of his Gulf.


The bus ride to Kanchanaburi turns out to be a merry one. The students singing, Mew's band members bringing guitars and a few instruments along with them, makes the trip quite cheerful. Gulf knows most of Mew's friends. But, he's still famous as Earth. No one except Mew knows Gulf's real name. Mew looks at Gulf singing along with the others. He turns towards New, and says, "Hey buddy, will you give Earth some company as we get down the bus. We're almost there. I will have to go check something with the owner of the rafts. I don't want Gul- Earth to be lonely." Mew bites his tongue. He almost said Gulf's name.

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