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someone said that they wanted to see Night as a vamp and I was like "hey me too" so here it is

TW/CW - Blood (...obviously lol), mentions of being tranquilized, mention of beating beat up, non-con hickey, dub-con blood drinking, general creepiness I suppose?


Planning was Nightmare's specialty. Everything was thoroughly planned and thought out by him. Not a single variable was left up to chance. Not a single surprise ever happened. He accounted for every possible outcome in every possible situation.

His brain worked constantly. Every moment of the day, gears were turning and plans were forming. Mental checklists being filled out and completed constantly. There was not a moment in time when his mind was clear, he didn't have the time to allow that.

Even when he wasn't preoccupied with work, which wasn't often, his mind was always whirling. His enjoyment of book analysis was always in his brain, thinking whenever he could about the way authors wrote and the words used to convey characters and emotions.

There never was a moment, day or night, awake or asleep that he wasn't planning and scheming. In sleep, he continued to plot, half-baked plans formed as he rested. The never-ending game of chess he and Dream played never took a break, so neither did he.

This was all to say that when Nightmare ate the apples all those years ago, he had accounted for every possible consequence of him doing it. He had researched the myths, and done the calculations of how much his body could take. Turns out, all of it. He could handle all of the negative energy in the apples.

Of course, he knew it would hurt. He knew that his body would get taller, larger, to contain the energy. He knew that he would barely be able to handle it.

That is what he planned on.

That is what he knew would happen.

Imagine his surprise when he woke up after passing out due to magical exhaustion (another thing he accounted for) craving blood.

Vampirism was never a variable he thought would matter. It wasn't even mentioned in the mythologies surrounding the Tree of Emotions!

Just thinking about it pissed him off. He had accounted for everything! And the Multiverse decided to pull a fast one on him?!

That was one of the perks of being one of the most powerful people in the Multiverse. No one had the audacity to attempt to trick or jape him. People were too scared to even fight against him. He loved their fear.

He didn't love being a vampire though. While the aesthetic and the vibe of being a creature of darkness and beautiful was impeccable and nothing could compare to it, it wasn't without its cons.

The need for blood was the main issue he had. Such things were beneath him! He wasn't a mortal, he never had to rely on food or water to survive. Why start now?!

He hated how he had to be reliant on the stuff. He could hate it as much as he wanted but that didn't change the fact that it existed.

Of course, he had plenty of options to get blood. Due to the apples in his soul, he didn't have to drink as often as the vampires in myths. He could drink about every other week without issue.

And it was made ten (10) times easier that he had four mortals at his disposal. And a fifth one, if he felt like kidnapping poor Blue.

The moonlight filtered into his room, and he shuffled deeper into his bed. He was half awake but the throbbing tightness in his throat wasn't going to allow him to go back to sleep.

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