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Dream turned the page of his book, letting out a deep calming breath. The window was open, the warm spring air blowing into his bedroom.

It was nice and peaceful.

"HEEEEY DREAMYYYY!" Nightmare shouted, kicking down the door with a force of unimaginable power.

Well, it was nice and peaceful.

"I think I broke the door...ANYWAY!" Nightmare jumped onto the bed and snuggled up close to Dream.

Dream let out a huff and closed his book, setting it down. Nightmare nuzzled his face into the crook of Dream's neck.

"Hello, Nightmare."

"Hey baby, I wanted to ask you a question."

"Hm? Go ahead!"

"Well, it's been a while since we've been together just the two of us and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a-"


"What?! You didn't even let me finish!"

"I'm not going out on a date with you."

"And why not?!"

"Because Nights, I'm not sure if you remember this but uh, our last two dates were disasters."

"They were not! I had fun."

"Nightmare. The first date we went one was at a carnival, you got so mad at the obviously rigged games that you murdered most of the workers there."

"It wasn't fair. I strive for fairness and equality Dream."

"Then we went bowling and that was even more of a disaster because Dust, Horror, and Killer all managed to get all of us kicked out for the rest of time."

"Wasn't my fault!"

"It was your team Nights, if it were Ink and Blue I would have probably smacked the shit out of them."

"Yeah, that's fair. But okay hear me out this one time."


"Just imagine with me mkay? Me, you, at a fancy restaurant that is at the top of a skyscraper, the sun is going down, the stars are all coming out."

"We get our food, we eat and talk about life and stuff, then after we pay, we go to a library, we buy some books, then we go into a park, it's dark and the only light source is the moon, the street light, and your beautiful eyes."

"And we read the night away, and then when you fall asleep, I carry you back home and then we cuddle."

"You have this all figured out huh?"

"Yup! Soooo I have a reservation at this really nice place for tonight, would you like to, oh I don't know, join me?"

"You know what, sure, yes. But if it goes wrong, and we get kicked out of the restaurant, I'm never going on a singular date with you for a while. Deal?"

"Deal! I'll see you later tonight." Nightmare gave Dream a kiss on the cheek and left the room, the door still broken.


Dream flipped the collar of his dress shirt down and straightened his yellow tie. He turned to teleport downstairs but Nightmare was already waiting at the door for him.

Nightmare was wearing a black suit with a teal tie that laid down the center. Dream had to admit, he looked very hot. Dream also felt underdressed compared to Nightmare.

Dreammare OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now