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Short warning - this story will have mentions of consent-less actions, obsessiveness, there will be some violence, and over all not healthy relationships.

This is a yandere oneshot, if you are uncomfortable with anything of these things, it would be wise to skip this one.


"Stop running Dream." Nightmare's voice cooed into the dark forest, Dream's breaths were getting heavier, his feet were aching, everything hurt.

But Dream wouldn't ever stop, lord knows what would happen if Nightmare got his goopy hands on him.

"I'm going to find you, so why run from me?"
Dream continued to run, his bare feet hitting the soft soil, masking the sound of him running.

"Don't fight with me Dream. We both know you're going to lose." Nightmare hummed again, his bright blue eye trying to trace the others quick movements.

Dream then decided to book it, he'd run and he'd run, he had to get away from Nightmare. Dream stood straight up and began to dart across the forest in the opposite direction, once he was out of Nightmare's range he could teleport away and go back home.

"Did you really think I'd let you run from me? How stupid do you think I am?" Nightmare hissed out, his tentacles wrapped around Dream's torso.

Dream began to struggle, but every jerky movement caused Nightmare to squeeze tighter until Dream struggled to even get a breath in.

"I don't want to hurt you Dreamy, I really don't. But I will if I have too."

"That's," Dream gasped for air. "Hard to believe."

"Ha. Ha. Now stop struggling."

Dream stopped his thrashing, mainly because his breaths were getting extremely shallow.

"There we go. Let's get going." Nightmare whipped his body around and dragged Dream back through the forest and back to his castle.


Nightmare dragged the unconscious Dream into his castle and down into the large dungeon that was hidden underneath the castle.

Nightmare barely used the dungeon for its intended purpose anymore. He used it for... other things.

He pinned Dream against the wall, holding his arms above his head with a tentacle. Nightmare cupped Dream's chin with his hand, smirking.

"Wake up Dream." Nightmare cooed in his ear.

"Wake up." Nightmare hissed, smacking Dream on the face. His tentacle tightened on Dream's wrists responsively.

Dream stirred, his golden eyes soon becoming visible. Nightmare loosened his grip on the smaller, pleased.

"N...Nightmare." Dream sputtered, trying to twist his way out of Nightmare's vice-like grip.

"You're so cute Dream. So cute and all mine." Nightmare chuckled, running a bony hand down Dream's cheek. "I could eat you right up." Nightmare ended his sentence with a low chuckle.

"Ngh...Nightmare, I don't..."

"Shhh," Nightmare stopped to giggle, insanity tracing every breath. "I've been searching for you Dreamy, it took a bit but I realized that I wanted you. I needed you. And now, you're mine!"

"Y...You're insane!"

"Ahahahaha! I'm surprised you didn't notice sooner!"

Nightmare smirked and took a step closer to Dream, he was almost on top of him. Nightmare grabbed Dream's face and twisted it to the side; revealing his neck, and whispered close to where Dream's ear would be.

"Now that we're back together, why don't we have a little fun?"

Then the Positive Guardian let out a scream as the darker bit down harshly on his neck. "N-Nightmare don't!" Dream pleaded, kicking his legs.

"You can't stop me Dreamy." Nightmare cooed, using a pair of tentacles to press Dream's legs against the wall.

"So prepare yourself, because I'm not stopping anytime soon."

Soon enough, Dream's screams were being drowned out by Nightmare's increasingly maniacal laughter.


Aight so.

I think this is the first ever time writing a yandere Nightmare I think I did okay.

This was kinda short but the next one should be longer than this one.

No promises.

Also sorry for publishing it before hand, I was writing it on the computer and accidentally clicked on the Publish button instead of the Save one.

I did an oopsie.


673 words

Dreammare OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now